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I am currently experiencing a problem with my purple whip. In the past it has gone days where the polyps would remain retracted but never this long. It has been a week and a half.

The stalk appears to look the same. Still purple. But considering these guys feed through their polyps I am beginning to think it has died.

What's the longest anyone's whip has remained with no polyps for? Should I assume mine is dead and remove it from the tank?


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Dont assume it is dead untill you see it rotting. The gorgs will get skin and shed to free them of algea build up and waste. FWIW they like a nice altering current to get the best growth. This will also cause them to shed less and faster.


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As long as there is purple flesh there, it is alive. I agree don't give up unless it is rotting away.

Assuming nothing is picking at it, if it was in my tank I would increase the flow, and be certian that no other coral is touching it. None of my gorgonians can handle contact with any other coral, and you might not realize it is happening if it only occasionlly brushes up to something.

I have also found, at least in my tank, that the gorgs are one of the first corals to get nipped if I have cut back on feeding my fish.

You would be suprised how much flow they can handle, and I have found that increasing water flow over the gorgonian can get it to open up. They love a variable flow if you can do that. Sometimes it takes a few days if it has been closed for a while. First you will see little bumps where the polyps would be, and then they gradually come out. It might be too far gone, but don't give up yet!


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My current setup doesn't have much flow on the whip, it just gets a 'draft' current. I have an extra powerhead kicking around, so I'll set that up opposite its position and give it some flow.

There is also a nearby frag of yellow polyps, about an inch or so away. Could be part of the problem too. Time to relocate those as well.

Thanks for the advice.

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