I do my water changes on the weekend and immediatly mix up new. So a week. I have done it faster but only when there is an emergency or ?? If I need it faster I throw a mag 9.5 in the 32 gallon brute container instead of the maxijet. Always with an air pump though. I think the shortest time I ever did was 6 hours under heavy mixing.
I don't know how many times I've had my butt saved by having water ready to go. Skimmer freak outs etc.
They're just ensuring the salt has completely dissolved and is the water is equally saline all around.
Technically, you could get away with only a couple hours probably, but better to be safe.
So what effects would adding fresh mixed salt water have on your tank? I've been using fresh mixed water for over a year now with no noticeable differences from when I pre mixed and waited a few days. I mix it up in 5 gal batches, with agressive airation from shaking the jug.