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Blue Tang

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Hi again, just wanted to find out if anyone uses natural sea water for their tanks? I live 150 mtrs from the ocean and was wondering if it's ok to use sea water to fill my new tank? I was told if you take sea water you must use it within two hours of collecting otherwise it starts to loose it's certain nutrients, is that the case? also if i collect sea water it will save me $200.00. What should I do?

Many thanks for any replies,
Blue Tang. :?

Blue Tang

Experienced Reefer
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Thanks for the advice guys , I think I'll get the water from the sea but as you say I'll test it first just in case of toxins. Thanks again ,

Blue tang. ps, i hope to have the tank home on friday, can't wait! :D


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Blue tang,
i live in florida and i use ocean water. i call someone who takes the water from the ocean at high tied. he waits about an hour after high tied and drops in, he charges about $80.00 for 150 gals.

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