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I did a search and it appears that these are garbage. Most of the posts that I saw were older. It now says new and improved. Just wondered if anyone has purchased the new and improved model. Thanks



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I will speak only from my experience with this product. I bought one several months back (perhaps 4-6 months ago). The package had been previously opened and as it turned out an integral part was missing. I improvised and was able to get the ph to work correctly for a couple months.

After it quit I called Zoomed and explained my situation and convinced them to send me replacement parts free of charge. It has worked well since(occasionally it stops sweeping) - sometimes requiring a cleaning, sometimes just turning the power on and off several times to dislodge whatever has gotten stuck in it.

I love the random currents it provides in my 46gal bowfront. Yes I do have to fidget with it now and then, but for $40 or so that I paid (as opposed to $$$$hundreds for other wavemaker devices) it works for me.

I have not used the prefilter sponge, so I don't know if that would make any difference. Basically any very small particle can get lodged in the flywheel which will stop the gear in the rotator outlet to stop. Additionally buildup of calcium can cause the same issue. I have had success with taking it apart and scrubbing it down witha toothbrush, and I now have an extra flywheel I can swap out.

These ph have gotten a bad rap from a lot of reefers, so you must take that into account. But again, for me, in my current tank and for the $$ it has done what I wanted it to do (my leather toadstool has never looked better either due to the random water motion in the tank)

HTH :wink:


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I have two. I thought I could at least use them to mix salt water in a trash can, but they suck too much even for that.

I bought a motorized thing that you can tie a rio to and that oscillates and works fine.

You know it sucks if rio is an improvement.


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all products mentioned suck.

spend the money, get real stuff.


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I wouldn't waste money on any of the above. I plan on adding WavySeas to my returns instead.


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Has anyone used SeaSwirl? That looks reasonable (motor oscillates return hose jet at tank surface).


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Subcomandante Marcos":207gktku said:
Has anyone used SeaSwirl? That looks reasonable (motor oscillates return hose jet at tank surface).

The WavySeas are the same as seaswirls except that they are smaller and have a wider arch.


Advanced Reefer
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Snapper":2iz9ub43 said:
all products mentioned suck.

spend the money, get real stuff.

I think that is ill-informed. The Hydors work really nicely. They also last and have few things that go wrong. ZooMed are indeed junky in my experience.


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Subcomandante Marcos":375l916h said:
Has anyone used SeaSwirl? That looks reasonable (motor oscillates return hose jet at tank surface).

Yeah, they are considered a tried-and-true product. A bit pricey, but will run pretty much forever, IMO.


Experienced Reefer
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Does anyone have a link to view the wavy seas product? I see that the sea swirl operates from a return pump, not all of us have sumps/return pumps.

I would like to see how the way seas product works though, does anyone have a pic of one operating? Also, anyone try the SCWD (squid) device?


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SCWD are pretty good, but they need a return pump too. Oceans Motions makes great products, but also for return pumps.

I used to have one of those motorized things that turns a powerhead back and forth and it was fine, although ugly. Can't remember the name of it.

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