Other : I grew tired of FW after a year and a half as I pretty much had every kind of fish/types of tank possible. That includes African cichlids, South american cichlids, various cichlids, fantail fancy goldfish, tetras, rasboras, livebearers and what not. I even breed a few of them just for fun. Saw some beautiful moments like the birth of a new fish, eggs hatching, fry swimming and feeding...and horrors of unknown and unexplained deaths (on very few occasions). The worst I've seen is 2 fish, from different tanks, 2 weeks apart, dead by this strange disease : The gill plate was detached from the skin!!! Only on one side. Spoke to several persons about it, whether in LFS or to marine biologists, forum members... no one has ever seen this happen and could not explain it. Never happened again so I can not say what it was. Dreadful experience, I must say.
So at one point, I went to the LFS and asked my friend there what I could try because I grew tired of my mixed community planted "Tropical paradise" tank. He told me : "Well, you've pretty much covered all the FW sp. so I guess that if you want to have some change, you have to kick it up a knotch and go for marine." I told him that I was not ready and he said that I probably knew more than most LFS personnel in Québec so that I was ready and shouldn't be afraid to jump in. I did. I was not quite ready. So I read like crazy, devoting close to 6 hours a day, 7 days a week to studying marine aquaria. I found that I really knew little and that marine aquaria is far more complex and demanding than FW is. I LOVE IT! Of course, my chemistry background helps me a lot but there is far more than chemistry in marine husbandry. I needed a challenge and I got one. I'm hooked for life I think... I hope.