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Old Man Of The Sea

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Say Len, I had a real pain in trying to get back, I like if there something other to manage to sign in.

I will try to make this as clear so all would understand what is happening. As many already knew that I paid one place, namely fish world here in NC a person named Jeff Voet to do my reef tanks and he was paid as well and most items he put in on the tanks I not even wanted like lights and the type of sumps and so on.

In any case, I found a new place and they will in time do this in which I will have to pay for this all over again for the same tanks for the 240 gal reef tank, everything will be rebuild on it except for the tank and canopy with the chiller.

Since the last time I posted, much had happen and nothing good of it for I might because of it have to things wrong and that is if I be able to do the reef tanks at all or I will have some slight delays in the financial department.

My daughter who is the main support for her family (This not includes that she supports me) will have to sell her practice. With everything they have a huge over head, namely four properties (mortgages) to pay for with the cost of everyday for the kids and all.

Anyway, she will now have to sell her practice because if she doesn't and she continues to work for a number of more years, she will not live too much longer then for you have to excuse me on one detail for I not know how to say what it is called of the health problem she is having. In any case, it was caused by the pregnancies she gone through that you need pretty much to be a doctor to understand this mess.

Her body lost most of what it needs to support itself and she is on much medications and without them, she wouldn't even be able to work at this time. But in time her condition will only worsen and the medications will do less for her and her only option is to not do her job anymore.

She will work for the time being and hopefully that she can sell her practice within the next 18 months in which will cost the buyer $1,000,000 and with that money will pay off all the properties (mortgages) and still they be much needed money for the kids education and etc..

Now, myself in all this, I can do little financial for my family for I get less then $3000 a month and my daughter will later when apply for disability will get $9,000 a month. I am not sure how things will turn out and if anything at this point in time from all that is known, im expecting only delays in well stocking of both reef systems once their ready.

But I have too also be ready to make a full change on these tanks to FO (only if it be necessary) which I honestly not want to do for my heart is dead set on SPS corals and clams. The SPS corals is the one thing I never really done in all my years and I like to say it for once that I done it all pretty much in aquarium systems.

I done sharks, sting rays and so many FO tanks as well soft corals and many know that I kept eels all my life.

Also there is something going on there. My daughter last week on Friday gotten a biopsy done for she be going into surgery soon and they needed much money for this for their insurance will not cover it all for just the biopsy cost several thousands and the surgery from what im told will cost over $65,000. The exact figure I not know. (My daughter told me tonight that the biopsy done was B9, Thank God)

So my other set back is, about six months or so ago, I was offered at first $10,000 for my pair of dragon morays from a city aquarium some hours away from me and I refused it for my plans from the time I got these eels is too keep them until their death or my own.

Later in few weeks, they called again and offered $20,000... Now I had too tell them that they can get these eels for as little as $900 each if they look around. I not know who they been talking to or so and they found me by the forums or better yet was told by one of their staff people about my pair of eels and they also told me that they were debating on contacting me on offering to buy my eels.

But too make this part of the story short. I had a long talk with my daughter on Saturday right after her biopsy was done the day before. She told me that they will be needing some support from me financial. After our talk I then had to make a terrible decision and called that city aquarium zoo on if their offer still stands.

Weird as it might be, they told me that they were hoping that I would reconsider, and I ask them that wasn't they looking around and they said that they have but couldn't find were a pair were available.

I told them that they could had still bought a male from one location and the female from another and again they said that they couldn't be sure that they would gotten a male and female and I told them that I would had assisted them in identifying for them a male and female if I knew that from before.

Mr. Anderson couldn't believe it that I could tell him the gender of the dragon moray.

In any case, he said that he like to still buy my pair and said that the offer still stands for $20,000 and I told him that even I will need the money for something seriously needed, that I would even accept his first offer of $10,000 and he said that we will compromise a little here, that how bout $15,000 then.

The thing here he explains was that they would be getting a actual pair which been together for the thing in which they are looking in trying to do is too see what if they be the first for a mating pair of dragon eels to had mated in captivity.

I explained to him that is more a complex thing then he thinks and I explained that the dragon moray mates at only one time of the year when the waters are the warmest and that I couldn't tell him on what that temperature had to be and that it would need to be stabilized at all times without so much as a few degrees change.

Mr. Anderson when into talking with me that if I would consult his staff who be in charge of these eels for they know about eels, but he believes that they would need more knowledge to best give the most in the health for the dragon eels.

One other thing, I told him about the time some four months ago that my male dragon had a serious injury to him done by the LR shifting from his body weight and trapping him in which almost caused his death that one on the third day after I released the eel from being trap that he was then that day on his back (Just a figure of speech) and was breathing very slowly as if taking his last breath.

I treated the eel and in the next week or so had made a full recovery I explained.

Mr. Anderson then asked if I was sure for they not wanted to buy some animal in which will die the next week or so. I told him that if you can spare your best man there to drive out here to see the eels and also I will hold off their feeding for that day. he questioned if that be alright that I feed the dragons two days later from my normal feeding schedule and I assured Mr. Anderson that it will be fine.

Their man came out this past Tuesday and he liked in what he saw and from my phone he called Mr. Anderson and they made the agreement to buy the eels and I told them that I couldn`t drive out there with the eels this Saturday that my family needs my help with my grandchildren that if it be OK, I could make the drive this coming Monday and he said that it would do fine.

I also requested to Mr. Anderson that if he when I arrive and no problems after the eels are in their new tank that if he could make the check payable in my daughters name and he said that it wouldn't be any problem.

After everything is over and that maybe three years from now if not five, that I will see if financial if I could buy myself again another male and female dragon eels. But for now, I already started looking into possibly if I might get my hands on a true honeycomb moray and no, I not mean the tess moray.

Also from the last time posting on possibly doing FO tanks with the reef tanks for perhaps 18 months or more is not feasible for it would cost around $700 or more just for the glass and lights and the sump for the 240 I will be getting cost around $600 and as well I be spending some $1,500 or so just for fish that I wont be keeping for long, so I decided against that idea. That means that I will now go with calcium reactors, and I still will have before the reef tanks are ready to upgrade the amps on two wall outlets.

Buddy :(

PS, Please excuse for any misspelling>

Also I had the female of the dragon eel for more then 13 years, it is upsetting for me to part with her :cry:


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Sorry to see you back on such unfortunate circumstances. I hope you and your daughter the best.

FWIW, $15K for a pair of Dragon Eels is quite a handsome amount. I understand you have emotional ties with them though.

Old Man Of The Sea

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Len, I still am having trouble signing in for I need to remember too many things on how I go on through that other site. This time im signing in with Internet explorer without signing on line.

In any case, my daughter should be fine, only she has to give up and sell her business for if not, we could loose her :cry: and I for one would be terrible about that happening for a parent shouldn't` have too out live their kids..

If this way works, I will use this method to sign in at reef.org for most the time I cannot sign in with that other method most the time.

Tomorrow I start my Xmas shopping and at the top of the list is my four grandchildren. OOPS, excuse me, sorry, I cannot start tomorrow for I must drive the eels out to the state of Virginia and its a long drive, I will also be using battery air pumps.


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:( so sorry to hear of your difficulties! Am sending good thoughts your way. Did you ever think to make as a condition of the sale that you be given a couple of the moray spawn?

Old Man Of The Sea

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It will be highly unlikely that they would ever manage it for there is much they not understand because as I was saying, these eels mate only at one time of the season and that is at the end of the summer when the waters are warmest. Also on how long for something is another factor in all this for eel eggs, they all not hatch in so many months for some species it be as little as five months and the European eel is too me with the longest larval period and so many species which is two years for another thing on that is that the European eel migration is three years long.

Like the dragon eels when I first gotten them, they were of the size: The male was 14" and the female was 13" and I honestly believe that by this time they had lived for more then 17 years if not 20 years for their growth is not so fast.

Also another matter that is correct and that be that eels out in the wild not grow as fast as they same species do grow faster in captivity and this is only for one main reason and that is many hobbyists over feed for as well out in the wild, one never knows when that same eel will catch its next meal..

The point of me telling you all this is that the eggs which eels lay needs excellent water conditions with the tanks nitrates at untraceable levels at all times, and last but least, the young if hatch would need to be removed into their own tank, for un like the wolf eel, they take care their young, both the mommy and daddy.

So in all I say now, I not believe that they ever manage this mating, I wish they could for another thing in larger city aquariums are that their nitrates are usually high.

I hope that you understood this for I not even had my morning coffee as yet :P

Old Man Of The Sea

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Hey everyone, my daughter had called me a while ago to ask me if I would sleep over tonight because she and her husband needs to meet the people who be flying here from calf to view the practice, her office and I think that the most she was told that she might possibly get for it is around $900,000 and with that it will pay off the mortgages on the four properties. She is to meet this person tomorrow morning at 7:30 AM and with my luck as it is, the kids will have me up around 6 AM :roll:

Old Man Of The Sea

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I don't know if this is good or bad news for many know that my 180 and 240 reef tanks were too be completed more then 18 months ago to were work on these were to begin two years ago. In any case, I got a call from (Jeff) fish world for I called to leave a message with Jeff that being I spent way too much money a the new 240 gal reef tank and upgrades on the 180 and never as yet was to enjoy stocking these tanks.

I drove out to fish world today after Jeff call and to speck with him face to face for yes, I do believe there will be delays with him completing this job, but it will take far much longer if im too pay somebody else to rebuild these tanks for the quote I got is from $8 to $9K to complete the tanks. As well, I will still have the extra cost of upgrading two wall outlets to 30 amps.

Jeff said today that he will order the 5' glass custom sump which I will have a fug that the chiller will have to be outside of the tank stand and also the MH will be as well done replacing the 175 watts to 250`s (both tanks).

For the thing is, I told Jeff that I will not go through that again in paying for something I not as yet to enjoy for I paid him much money for these tanks and will not pay somebody else another $8K or more for the same tanks.

So I guess im back to fish world stuck with Jeff and I as well spoken to him on the dragon eels that later he could see what I could get another pair for. For it was Jeff who had gotten me that pair of dragon eels and I told him of the health problems of my daughter and she will be needing to sell the business and file for disability.

So for now, I am back with Jeff for I also told him that I hope he not think that I would just allow him to keep that money I paid on these tanks that I was going to begin a legal action.

Also on the sump deal with Jeff, I told Jeff at the start of paying for this that the sump be a customized sump and not a custom build tank that there be a world of differences between the two>

Buddy :)

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