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Right now I'm terrified of my tank, I have a very unsafe electrical setup, and being in a low rent apartment I have very few options to make it safer, I'm running my reef off of one dual outlet and multiple power strips, and its served me just fine for several years until moments ago. I added a MJ 1200 to the tank today, works great, my tank needed the flow, I'm happy, I have all my powerheads on one strip, I swithch them all off to do water changes, feeding, taking pictures, etc.... well I turned off the strip for the first time since adding the MJ and the damndest thing happens, all the pumps go off,except the MJ, it clicks and bucks around on the mount, and smoke starts seeping out of the switch to the strip, the MJ is plugged in on the other end of the strip, turning the strip back on makes everything work normally, what the hell is going on?, is it the pump? the strip? I know very little about electricity aside from the fact that it can be painful from expeirence and lethal(not yet from experience) anyone had a similar thing happen?, I'm guessing its a backflow of electricity somehow

I have 1 250 watt halide,1 96 watt pc,2 39 watt t-5, 1 400 watt ebo jager heater, and 5 powerheads counting the MJ, right now I'm going to try a new strip, any help would be great


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Add up the wattage of everything plugged into the strip and make sure you are not overloading it. I would be suspect of the strip. Replace it with one that does not have all of the surge suppression crap in it. Don't cheap out on it either. The problem may be the pump, but the strip is probably toast. Is the new MJ1200 under warranty?


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its not the pump, I feel like the luckiest idiot in the world, I switched off the breaker to the living room, and found the source of my pain, the strip was flooded, apparently while putting in the MJ I accidently knocked my kalk drip line out of my skimmer return and onto a tangle of cords, where the drip hung ten all the way into the strip, the outlet the mj was plugged into was partially melted , though I still find it odd, thats not the outlet that got wet, I've readjusted the wiring the best I could on short notice, and plan to rework it probably tomorrow, everythings running on a new strip with no problems, though some electrical advice is still very welcome, I need to make this a good bit safer, thanks


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Cool. That was my first thought when I read your description of what happened; water on the strip.

I would suggest dumping powerstrips all together and going with something like dj powerstrips.


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I have no experience with that brand, its a low price though, I spent almost 200 bucks for one on a guitar rig many many years ago, that rig taught me the very important lesson that tons of expensive equipment in a nice neat easy to move enclosure is quite easy to move around and work with, and even easier to steal.... :x

that is something to consider on my next tank, which is way down the road, it would be near impossible to mount it in my current stand with the tank on it, the next tank whether in wall or not, will have a dedicated room behind it, thanks for the tip


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bleedingthought":123m2siw said:
Thales":123m2siw said:
Yeah, the work great and each plug has its own switch. I am going to order some soon!

This is the one I like:

Man, that's incredibly cheap for something that sounded pretty pricy. I might have to try them out!

I actually ordered three yesterday. I have had three in use for almost a year and love, LOVE them!


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Thales had one when I was by his house last spring. I bought one and love it. I think I paid $19 for mine. Thanks for reminding me that I need one for my second tank.

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