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Old Man Of The Sea

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Do know that on the reason for selling the pair of dragon morays I not felt quite the same not knowing their in the tank. So being that Jeff and I are back together so to speak, he has already ordered the sump and will order two new ER skimmers, not unless he some other ideas on that.
So being that I will not be paying someone else to rebuild these tanks now, and depending on what other cost because of the lighting system he already put in and so forth that it be in question on what my present billing will be for at the time when Jeff was to no longer do these tanks, I owed him $1600 for the new chiller and 40 gal breeder along with some 24 buckets of (200 gals) oceanic in which I had to cancel it because of discovering high nitrate levels for when I run my RO/DI unit for water changes and so, for the main tanks I keep the salinity at 1.026 and the breeder I keep at 1.022, and you all know that the lfs keep their tanks at 1.019.

So now depending on what extra he asks for on the changing of the lights, I might be looking at getting myself again another pair of dragon eels for before I was speaking to Jeff, I was calling some 24-30 lfs as far away as a 2.5 hr drive for I thought then that I would get for the time being a pair of honeycomb morays. And no, Jim not speaking of getting the tess moray :) for im speaking of possibly getting a pair of true honeycomb morays that not grow as large as 8' but rather as large as 3.5'

I do know that I will come out on the better end of the selling of the dragons and the pair which I will soon enough buy to replace those beautiful animals which I found was a must to sell for the kind of money which was offered for it wasn't for the money for myself, but rather a serious illness in the family which the money was needed for. So now im possibly looking at getting a second pair of dragons hopefully by June for before under the idea that I was too pay another lfs to complete two reef tanks the amount of $8K to $9K in which then it would been a number of years before I could had ever thought about obtaining myself another pair of dragon morays. So once again, im to deal with Jeff and just maybe this time around he might show a level of respect.


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