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I have a 2" porc. puffer and 2" picasso trigger. Everything I have read about Teardrop Butterflyfish states that they are the most capable (of butterflish) of living with more belligerent fish. They are also one of the more hardy butterflyfish available from Hawaii. The picasso trigger I have is said to be one of the more "friendly" of triggerfish. The puffer is what he is. Both are well fed and I will continue this to reduce any aggression.

I have a 4" Teardrop living in my Quarantine tank for 6 weeks now. She is very healthy and eating wonderfully a wide variety of foods. I plan on putting her in the display tank this weekend. Hopefully her size will be large enough to discourage any aggression from the other two fish.

Can I have some tips on how I can do this succesfully?
Also, what is the most aggressive tankmates you have successfuly kept with butterflyfish?


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Butterflyfish usually can hold their own, even against the more aggressive fish like triggers. I've seen butteflies with triggers, groupers, and dogface puffers before. It can definitely be done.

If possible, rearrange the rockwork before you add the butterfly. Also, feed your other fish until they are full. Reducing light levels can sometimes help too, but I would not add fish during the early or late hours of your photoperiod as some fish behave very differently/unpredictably during these times of the day.


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Groupers always get lumped in as being aggressive. :|

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