I' have been looking all over the net for a lighting solution for my new tank. The problem is it's 30' long but 24' deep and the only lights i can find in 30" are 2-65 watt pc. I've seen some halides for 30" but my center brace will block some of the light. I don't neccesarily need mh but 130 seems a liitle weak for the depth of the tank. I have found 36" fixtures with 2 96 watt pc's but i don;t want it hanging over the edge. My dream would be to find a fixture with 2 75 watt mh on both ends so the center brace will not be an issue and actinics running along the front and back of the fixture but this does not appear to exist. Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Right know i have a 96 watt quad coralife from a ten gallon tank i had set up. i currently have 30 mushrooms of different varities and encrusting gorgonian and a candy cane coral. This light is sufficing for now but i want to add some additional diversity in my corals. No sps, but some lps and i don't believe the current 130 watt pc is enough considering the depth of the tank.