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OK - I put the new CO2 gages on (after breaking the first set). I set it to about 60 drops per minute and 1 bubble every 5 seconds or so....after a while I'll go test the effluent's PH and see if its between 6.5 -7.0 and post again.

I put the reactor on my refugium (same height as the refugium since the little water pusher was at max). I placed the CO2 below the refugium approximately 3 1/2 foot down and a total of about 5 foot of CO2 tubing. I found that the increased length of CO2 tubing made it incredibly difficult to set the bubble counter. So after about an hour of fussing with it (it took a while in between adjsutments for the increased tube length tot adjsut to the new setting) I ended up moving it back up to the refugium level and I tied it off so it can't fall (again) !!

I'll post again later to let you know the initial readings and I'll ask for help adjusting it. BUt I recall Rob telling me to either increase the CO2 or slow the effluent drip rate to lower the PH and that the PH needs to be 6.5-7.0 in order to dissolve the media.....I think thats what he said (I am going to go back and re-read that other thread since its filled with great information.

A couple initial questions: about how long will my CO2 last me? (5 pounds) My reactor is filled with media - how low do I let it drop before I add more? and how long should will that take? thanks again !!


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Sounds like you got things squared away. Correct on the adjusting of the PH, at least initially. You will eventually adjust the amount of effluent going into the tank based on you tank's specific usage of ca and dKH. My guess on your 5 lbs of CO2 would be at least 6 months with a relatively low bubble count. A couple of inches on the media; depletion rate depends on PH and size and type of media.


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I got almost a year out of a 5lb bottle. it really depends on how much you loose while dialing it in.

I also got about the same life out of the media. at some point the media will deplete and the remainder will almost liquify. that is your sign to change it out.

I love my rx it was a good buy. I am going to have a second chamber made. this will allow me to use all of the co2 in the effluent by running it through another chamber of media.....


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Its been running about 4 hours so I just tested it - looks to be about 7.0 on the PH -- very hard to judge since my PH test kit's range is 7.4 - 8.6. My master test kit (Hagan) came with a low range kit 6.0 - 7.6, but it says this is for fresh water.

When I say it appears to be 7.0 the color chart range is blue 8.6 to light green 7.4 -- my test came up just a tinge more on the yellow end of the light greed. So I figure it below 7.4 but not too far below, thus I am going with an estimated 7.0. I am going to decrease the effluent drip and I will post my test results later on.


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Ahhh, the science of guessing - been there. It always helps me to keep my fingers crossed as I guess-test :)


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LOL. :D feel's MUCH better now that i know I am not the only one that has entered the realm of guessology

OK, my wife and I have both weighed in our opinions and both strongly feel that our effluent PH is at 6.5. On the color chart 8.5 is blue and 7.5 is light green, clearly on its way to yellow. We tested in the yellow range but certainly a green/yellow just more yellow than green.

I suppose at this point I will test the tank in the morning (as well as the effluent) and then I will report back.


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DAMN IT -- can I just say DAMN it ?

Happy Sunday morning to you all ! Here is my Sunday calcium/PH reactor update --- and I nee HELP !!

I went out and bought a digital PH probe, calibrated it with the solution they sent and its accurate.

Tank readings as of this morning:

PH Effluent 6.53
Tank PH 7.90

I trust these readings - now, for the rest I have my Hagen master test kit and my 6 month old Salifert test kits, and this is where I get varying results!!


Effluent Calcium 850 (this is guess work if you know this kit)
Tank Calcium 425


Effluent Calcium 940ish
Tank Calcium 500
Tank PH 8.5

So my brand new Hagen master test kit returns 8.5 on the tank PH, but the accurate probe returns 7.9 - so are the hagen test results now unreliable? (I don;t have a salifert PH kit)

Less my test kit frustrations - should I be making adjustments? Or should I wait until the lights are on and test again?

My reactor:

1 bubble per 6 seconds
Effluent 1 drip per second

If I consider the PH to be the "end all be all" ruling on my Hagen tests - than the Hagens are "slightly" elevated, and the salifert is accurate.


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Hello again - its 4 hours later, PC turned on at 8 am and 30 minutes ago at 11 am the halides flipped on. Tanks PH is still 7.9 I suppose its in the range and if its steady I am happy -- but I think after monitoring it with this new probe I am going to want to buffer my tank as I'll be more content with a stable 8.2 or so than a stable 7.9. I'd do it right now but I am new to the whole reactor thing - so I'll wait to hear from you guys first.


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Hmm....I'll just keep talking...

It's 5:30 and still holding at 8.0. I havn't touched the settings - I am still going to wait for advice.


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Nothing like hearing crickets when you talk :). Not much too say, seems like you're doing fine. See what the PH does over the next couple of days before making any changes. I would always trust a properly calibrated probe over regent tests.


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Upstate NY
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A pH swing of 7.9 (AM) to 8.0 (PM) is pretty normal for a tank running a Ca reactor - those numbers are fine.

Sounds like something might be wacky with the Hagen pH kit. If you want further confirmation that the probe is accurate try having your LFS or a fellow reefer test a sample of your water.



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ok - excellant. I thought for sure you were going to recommend that I bring the tank PH up a bit. I really wish that I invested in the PH probe before I started the reactor -- live and learn ! Thanks !!


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I would watch the PH for a few days. I dont think 7.9 PH is that bad.

If you need to raise the PH you could always drip kalk but I would wait and watch for a while.

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