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WHat exactly are the phases of algae growth in new tanks. Im past the random brown diatom bloom and now entering a period of green everywhere. WHats next?


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It varies from tank to tank. My 120 experienced virtually no algae bloom. My current 176 gallon went through 6 months of algae of ALL types. I've never seen so much diversity before.

Your progression is very common (diatoms to green). You'll probably experience a few types of green algaes before it's all over. When you start seeing macroalgae take over, it should be close to the end of your algae rollercoaster.


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hi i never really had algea blooms, my tank is 9 months old and I am seeing red algea starting to cover rocks in certain parts, like a blanket and sometimes i see air bubbles under neither of it.

i break it up and filter it out. I am not going through a "bloom" per say , but it is getting annoying

isw there something i am doing wrong? I am only using filtered tap water


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The red is a cyano bacteria - it is a symptom of a bit of extra nutrient in the water, but also of low flow areas.

Try to redirect the flow onto the areas where the slime is growing. It may help.


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shavo":1164wfjz said:
hi i never really had algea blooms, my tank is 9 months old and I am seeing red algea starting to cover rocks in certain parts, like a blanket and sometimes i see air bubbles under neither of it.

i break it up and filter it out. I am not going through a "bloom" per say , but it is getting annoying

isw there something i am doing wrong? I am only using filtered tap water

What do you mean filtered tap water? The machines in parking lots? "Aqua Pure" and such?

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