I went to a different LFS today. Because my usual had to close due to moving to a all new location and they will be closed for 2 weeks (it really sucks)! I got so used to buying my water from my bud because it was ro/di tropic marin @ $.50 per gallon. I can't beat that making it myself the only thing that I have to do is drive 30 minutes to get it. Usually it is well worth it because there is always hotties in and out of his store. Anyrate, I went to this other place they charge $1.00 per gallon for the crap of instant ocean and I asked what the salinity was and he said that is was about 1.023 to 1.024 well that was a damn lie. I got home and what I did with it was I put it into a holding tank (reserve) to look at it and make sure that is was up to snuff (very retentive about my water). I started to pour it out and I tasted it just out of having to know what it taste like I also noticed that the water was very cloudy like the salt was just added to it. I always do this with my other water also. Well needless to say it was so strong that it was higher than water straight off the beach. I decided to get out the old refractometer and I will be damned it was 1.037 could you imagine what would happen if I would have put this **** in my tank. Oh boy! There would have been a post office job in the heart of Louisville on Sunday at 10:00 on the 11:00 news. All that I can say is that the man has a really nice clam that I am going to have to score up on just for customer satisfaction. It is very beautiful I do believe it is a T. Maxima and a T.derasa and the I think a couple of large Crocea's. They range from 70 to 150 but I think that if I would not have checked the water he had sold to me I would have lost thousands. What do you all think?