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Hi reefs.org peeps, a while back I posted about a powder brown tang that had a problem with little growths on it's skin. NOBODY RESPONDED! jk! He has been impossible to get out of my tank but today was the day. I have researched online and can not find exactly what this could be. it is not ich. the fish has little bumps that appear to be under the skin and on other ones there is a white tube that streams off the fish about 1/16th to 1/8th of an inch or it is a little cottony nub. they are all over him around the mouth on his eyes all along his body and on his fins. I finally got him out today and he is being treated with coppersafe right now in a hospital tank. This stuff never once showed up on any other fish and the PBT does show signs of it being an annoyance to him. irradical burst of speed and scratching rubbing and some twitching and always going to the cleaner shrimp.
any suggestions or just see how it goes with coppersafe for now?
also the fish never lost appetite or a change in its daily routine. acts for the most part normal.
i did try and find some info on the rdo library and online but can not find a definetive list of parasites and or diseases. anybody have a nice link for this?


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It could be Microsporidian, which I don't know if there is known treatment other then to quarantine the fish and let its immune system do its thing. The cleaner shrimp may help, as Microsporidian is caused by a parasitic protozoan that the shrimp may be able to remove. However, in a QT tank with copper (which hasn't been shown to be effective against this disease), a shrimp is not possible.

It could also be the onset of Lymphocystis, but it sounds like it's been a while, so if you haven't seen larger patches of cotton-like growth, it probably isn't. This is another disease you let the fish heal on its own.

I would try the copper medication for a week or two, and if no progress is made, you might want to set up another QT tank/bucket with just the fish and cleaner shrimps and let nature try to work its own cure.


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sounds good, but the PBT has had this for a maybe 2 months now and it doesn't go away. i have more than one cleaner in there now and no improvement. i even had a cleaner wrasse in there but it dies and never do the shrimp or the wrasse go after this parasite. I am going to quaranteen this fish and he may never return in my tank. I am going to go a month with copper and see where he is after that.

X if I get rid of this gimme back my pajama tang! lol


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paoli, pa
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this stuff looks like white strands hanging off of the fish sometimes. it's not just a cottony look. kinda like tubes or possibly a bout of fish psoriasis....something like that.
shavo. it was your idea to trade. next time don't freak when your pajama doesn't eat for a day or so and scuffle to trade it to me.
i gave you a healthy fish..and what did you go and do?..get him all sick! :P
stop pouring beer into the tank for a couple days maybe. :roll:

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