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But how much is too much?

It's very young and captive bred. I feel if I keep feeding it, it'll just keep eating.

Feeding directions on all the different foods say "whatever it can eat in five minutes"...My feeling is this little guy/gal wont stop...ever.


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ha! my tank raised percs look like golfballs with fins after 30 seconds... 5 minutes? they would explode for sure. in my experience, you can feed lightly every other day. just make sure they don't start looking like nicole ritchie! concave bellies can't be good. not sure ruben studdard bellies are much better though... anyone have an opinion on majorly overfeeding a fish?


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It al depends on your tank. My 2.5 year old reef gets fed a large pinch once a day, if that often, but there are lots of natural food sources in there for the fish to snack on. Newer tanks will have to be fed more. Just don't forget that it is a closed system and the more food you put in, the more you have to skim out.

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