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paoli, pa
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hey peeps.
first off i have decided to purchase a new tank and start a new, in-wall system.
the tank is a "glass cages" design (195-5 wide which is 60 x 30 x 25 tall)
it will have 2 overflows in the back. they mentioned 2 holes per overflow, so i assume the returns will be anywhere i want them.

the first question is, with a tank of this size, what size holes should be drilled? they asked me this, and i wasn't sure what was needed.
i am going to attempt to have no powerheads in the display at all, so i'm going to need a decent amount of turnover.

secondly, returns. i was looking at that 600 gallon display /1300 gallon system, spare no expense, insane tank build in the members tanks area, and the way he/she did the locline returns in the front bottom of the tank is appealing to me.

so, i am thinking 2 returns at the front of the tank coming from the bottom, and 4 returns in the back of the tank- 2 somewhere near the top of the back glass and 2 about halfway down, a bit more inset on the back glass.
what size do these need to be?

lighting- i will use my existing two 400 watt halides, but will upgrade to luminarc reflectors (like the "spare no expense" guy/gal has :P ) and utilize 4x 160 vho -2 10k, and 2 actinic. think it's enough?
remember, this is a 5 foot tank x 30 inches front to back.

and i think i've got the rest worked out. thanks :wink:


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That's a pretty neat sized tank! :D I would do the drains 1.5" and the returns 1". These are bulkhead sizes so the actual hole size will depend on where you get the bulkheads from (and what schedule they are). Your 2 400 watters with the lumenarcs should out fine! But I would do all actinic VHOs.

But as far as the flow goes, if you plan to have a reef tank, you'll need more flow additional to the return. Your return only needs to be enough for the filtration in the sump. Keep in mind that the more turnover you have in the sump, the more noise and bubbles you'll encounter. For a tank that size, you should be fine around 1000GPH through the sump. You coudl do a bit more if you wanted, but if you went with a display turnover of 35 times, for example, you'd be looking at about 7000GPH through your sump!!! 8O

So, with that in mind, you should consider a closed loop system. For not wanting power heads like you, I am going to do a closed loop. That means that glass cages would have to drill more holes for you. I would do 2 drains and 2 returns for the closed loop. And then, have 2 other returns from the closed loop go over the back. That would bring you to 6 flow outputs, like you mentioned (2 from the sump and 4 from the closed loop).

HTH ;)


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From what you first posted it sounded like you wanted to put in normal returns below the water level; rather than closed loop?

If so this is a really, really, really, really, really bad idea. My 30 gallon has flooded 3 times in the last year because I did this. I cannot wait to tear it down!

I would say you should put in a 1" drain in each overflow with a 3/4" return, like most of the AGA reef ready. You will be able to handle up to about 1200 gph (which is all you should be sending through your sump) and most pump for that sort of flow do not need the 1" return (unless you want to). This will allow you to make the returns quick convenient and hidden. Leaving more room for an awesome closed loop!


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ya, im a bit confused too.. when you say "returns" do you mean actual returns from your sump? what about the drains? Also, It sounds like you'll be plumbing in a closed loop system.. is that right?

just as caution I would never put in a drain at the BOTTOM of the tank unless it is in an overflow box. The only way this would ever be a good idea is if your SUMP was LARGER than your display. IN a power outtage all your display water would drain flooding your sump... and killing all your display stuff!

If you're just talking about a closed loop for circulation you should be fine, as long as your plumbing is water tight.

I'm sure you wouldn't plan a drain or return on the bottom of the tank without a standpipe or overflow though... :)

I guess I just misunderstood :)

sounds like a fun project though! good luck!



Advanced Reefer
paoli, pa
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yes, 2 overflows and they give you 2 holes per overflow. durso pipes in the overflows...
my existing 125 gallon tank is going to be my sump with refugium and frag prop tank. i was thinking also of using my 75 gallon for the water change, and top off sump.

ok...so, the closed loop- water will come in from where? how much below the waterline? and can't things (shrimp, snails, and such) get sucked up by the intake? won't this pump be alot stronger than the sump pump?
i am understanding that there will be an intake and an external pump to power whatever returns i put in. and i understand what you are saying about the sump returns being the ones that are below the sand bed. :oops: yeap..power outtage= yikes!

so..we have the overflows(2) with 2 returns,(1" x 3/4") and then a total of 6 more holes- 2- 1.5" and 4- 1" ?


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Yeah, I made the decision not to go with GC either. I have read about some people being OK with their tanks (like Louey and SnowManSnow) but I decided to not take the chance. I figured if you're set on it, though, that I wouldn't try to persuade you otherwise. ;)

(P.S. If it means anything to you, AGA tanks are pretty close in price. :P )


Advanced Reefer
paoli, pa
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ok...so, where do i go for a tank like that? starfire glass in front, 5' x 30" x 25" 2 overflows, closed loop ....

i really need a 5' tank for the tank room. and i don't want a 110 gallon. i won't go smaller.
aga tanks are fine, if i could find something with those measurements.


Advanced Reefer
paoli, pa
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btw- i just sent for a quote from that aquarium obsessed place, but if the price of their tanks is anything like the rest of the stuff in their online store...... 8O


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It will be hard to find a 5 foot tank without it being custom and still be large. AGA used to make a 150G that was 5 foot but they stopped since it's hard to find things to fit it (light fixtures, stands, canopies, etc). But maybe you could find a place that still has one. :D

P.S. A 6 foot tank won't work? Lots of options there. ;)


Advanced Reefer
paoli, pa
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i know a 6' tank is easier to come by, but the area i plan to put the tank...at 6' , one side will be flush with the wall and the other side will leave the water heater blocked from access. 5' is best for me.
i am hoping someone can give me a decent vendor, if not, i'm going to try my luck i guess. it's either that, or keep using my scratched up, hand-me-down tank. :(

i also would like to keep my tangs as long as they live, not just until they outgrow my tank. i think this 190, would allow me to accomplish that.

now, what were the issues with glass cages? shoddy workmanship? how so..bad glue lines, things like that...or leaks?


Advanced Reefer
paoli, pa
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btw..i will be driving to white plains ny to pick my tank up. if it's totally screwed up, i'll refuse it.

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