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I am new to reefkeeping but have been keeoing FO & FOWLR tanks for many years.

I will be setting up a 24 gal. aquapod. It will have a deep live sand bed, live rock, no mechanical filtration and remora skimmer. I'll run carbon a couple of days a month.

I've never used anything but Instant ocean, but I'd like to maintain my tank with little or no supplementation, doing frequent pwc's.

I'll be starting out slow with soft corals, later some easy to keep lps corals
and eventually one or two more demanding specimens.

I'll test calc/alk to determine if supplements are needed.

I'd like some opinions on what is the best salt mix to use.


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Im currently using kent, i wouldnt say its the best but it does the job for me...i used sea chem beofre and had great calcium readings but my alk was on the low side...Instant ocean worked great for me, but my LFS no longer gets the big buckets...

I think really a matter of personal choice and what works best for you...they did an analysis on a few major salt brands before on some website..i cant remember which one but if it comes to mind ill post..


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all the salts are a little different. i use red sea coral pro sea salt. it has great calcium, but does have kind of low alkalinity. oceanic has really high calcium, but kind of lacks elsewhere. one thing to consider is salt mixing. i've been hearing (on a local website) that instant ocean and oceanic brand salts is a really good combination. you get both good alk (io salt) and good calcium (oceanic). i wouldn't say that one salt brand is all that much better than another.

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