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I have been testing my alkalinity levels with Salifert test kits. So far they have been very accurate in readings. But for the past 3 days I've been testing my water and it shows that there is absolutley NO alkalinity in it, which is impossible because I have been adding AquaPhilic Alkalinity Part A. I keep adding and adding and it still does not show up on the tests. I can pretty much say that I've added about 210 ml of it to a 20 gallon tank with sump. What is wrong? Do I need to add more? Something is not right. 8O


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Whoa... stop messing around with that.

We kept these fishes without alk tests for a long time. How do the fish look? Are they eating? Do you have inverts? How are they? Use your observations first, and the tests as an addendum to observations.

New tank owner syndrome dictates that you won't be able to leave the tank alone. But I'm going to give you the best advice I was given by an old-timer I ended up working for. KEEP YOUR HANDS OUTTA THE GOD DAMN TANK! :lol:

(He was right.)


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paoli, pa
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why are you adding AquaPhilic Alkalinity Part A?
are you dosing calcium or kalkwasser? what is in your tank right now?


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8O I don't know what I'm doing. I just want the rock to look more like live rock than dead. It has no color. None of the purple or other colors nice rock gets in an established aquarium. The fish look fine. 3 clarkii clowns, one neon gobby, 2 green chromis damsel, 1 blue leg hermit crab, 1 banded coral shrimp, and 3 anemones. Im also dosing AquaPhilic Calcium Part B. I ran tests and the calcium level is at 400ppm. I kinda figured out now what I did wrong. I was reading the testing chart wrong. The test doesnt read because the alkalinity level is off the charts. I think im gonna have to do a huge water change ASAP.


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paoli, pa
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stop dosing the tank with anything. water changes to remove what you screwed up and wait. waiting will change the color of the rock, not additives. if your alk is off the charts, you are going to have to give it some time because coralline algae(the purple stuff) doesn't like alk out of balance. did you know you need to introduce coralline algae in order for it to grow in your tank? if your rocks came in bare, there is a chance they won't purple up if there is no coralline present. you might have to get a small piece from someone elses tank that has coralline on it and seed the rest of the rock with that.


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Ok thanks for the info. Im doing the water change as we speak. I think Im gonna have to pull out about 50% or more of the water. I hope it all goes well. :roll:


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Ok, you said you have a 20gallon tank. Unless those anemones are Aiptasia or Condylactis (neither a species that clowns might naturally host) that tank is way too small. These things cannot be rushed, including your learning curve.

You also have a LOT of fish in there. Don't add any other vertebrate life.


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I have 1 small bubble tip , 1 condy, and 1 pink tip. They are all fairly small. I dont plan on adding any more fish. Can i add cleanup crews and stuff? And about the coraline algae. Should I just pause dosing any additives? Whats the best thing I should do in order for coraline and the live rock to come alive?


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paoli, pa
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you don't need any additives. there's nothing in the tank that uses up calcium.

your salt mix should have everything you need. just do weekly water changes and your tank should mature as it is supposed to.


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I have 1 small bubble tip , 1 condy, and 1 pink tip. They are all fairly small. I dont plan on adding any more fish. Can i add cleanup crews and stuff? And about the coraline algae. Should I just pause dosing any additives? Whats the best thing I should do in order for coraline and the live rock to come alive?


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All right. Sounds like a plan. Now I dont have to worry about dosing daily. Just let nature take its course.


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I did a huge water change. Changed more than 50% of the water but the alkalinity is still high. Over 5.71 meq/L. I also heard that bringing levels down too rapidly can be just as bad. Should I just let nature bring it down to normal levels?


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paoli, pa
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well, i'm no expert, but if that was my tank, i'd want to get that water to safe levels as soon as i could.
any sudden changes can be stressful to inhabitants. how are you making up your waterchange water? are you mixing it, then letting it sit overnight with an airstone or powerhead? the ph may fluctuate if you mix it, then immediately add it to the tank.
at this point, if nothing looks stressed, i'd make up a batch of water for another big waterchange tomorrow.


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Oh wow. I've never made a batch of saltwater and let it stand overnight. I always make it and just add it to the sump. I also add that little liquid that eliminates clorine and chloramine. Is it better to have it stand overnight with a source of circulation like a powerhead?


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paoli, pa
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yes, and also, since you have a small tank, maybe purchase R.O. water instead of using tap water. even distilled water from the supermarket is better than using tap water.


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Oh ok. Im guessing I'm gonna have to invest in a RO unit. I have one installed in the kitchen, but it releases water sooooooo slow. And then you have to wait untill it refills with water.


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No! Oh man, you could be creating some real problems for your inhabitants.

First, pH shifts kill quickly. You're could end up changing the pH FAR too quickly when you're messing with the alkalinity (after all, what is alkalinity but resistance to pH shift, right?), ultimately. I'm with Mr. X on this, do those water changes, and I personally can't recommend using water that's gone through a water softener at all. Tap water can be fine, it depends on the municipality. Test it first, from the tap before it's gone through your softener (don't use softened water, that's water that's had its alkalinity changed/removed.)

For the future, NEVER use freshly mixed saltwater!! The best is to let it mix (folks like to use a powerhead more so than an air pump because of salt creep) in its container for a few days, up to a week even. Overnight is a minimum.

At this point we're only talking 20 gallons, can you get to a shop that sells natural, filtered seawater? You can use that immediately as long as it's not too cold.

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