Topics of environmental and responsible reefkeeping is where I have posted the most. [ about 2,000 total posts on environmental issues]
Over the past decade I see that Clippo has never had a thought ...not one.....about environmentally responsible reefkeeping before until now..
you obviously haven't read any of the articles I've written in the aquatic press then Steve.. ones that advocate buying captive bred stock, or detailing the requirements of sensitive species? or the links on my website (which exists 'to promote responsible reefkeeping' ) that point to various reefing charities, and has approaching 2000 freely accessible images and information profiles in its gallery section, which has had nearly 1 million hits since 2005?? :lol:
as I said I expected to be flamed over this.... no surprise to see particular venom coming from Steve's direction. I expect it was you or one of your cohorts that spammed the petition with foul mouthed messages? Personal attacks just show what kind of character you really are dont they! :wink: :lol: (attacking and comparing me to a long dead distant relative is particularly desperate by the way.... and you've twisted the facts too.... oh but I expect you are an expert in my family history now too eh?) Anyone genuinely interested in Clipperton the 'pirate' have alook here: - it's very basic information unfortunately... my Father and I have extensively research his exploits and he certainly isn't a thief or murder (any more than Steve is anyway :wink

every post you make gives me more publicity by the way.... and I haven't even got properly started with the petition yet. I'm going to make life as difficult as possible for you. I don't care how much you've posted (to be honest your messages are barely coherent most of the time)... you don't have the best interests of these fish in mind. You are certainly no environmental champion or pioneer.... you can't even ensure your imports are labelled correctly!
Fair point about the sharks by the way Gresham... I realise there are many threats facing this place but, as I've mentioned in one of the locked threads you mention, I've chosen to focus on the most immediate one in my opinion. I've thought very carefully about the aims of the petition too....I've got to be realistic. This isn't just about the location... it's about the direction of the hobby. I don't know what relevance locked threads have got anyway.... it's not me who's the one incapable of having a reasoned debate, or resorting to smear tactics at every opportunity.
It's sickening to see how quickly people have forgetten how the last shipment fared by the way. I really hope this isn't the view of the majority of US reefkeepers. Anyone buying one of these fish has blood on their hands. I wouldn't be surprised if certain parties actually wante this species to become rarer... I bet you could charge your 'more money than sense' clients an even more exhorbitant price then right?
Although I am happy for this to run, I'd suggest that the opposition will contune to try to degrade this thread... so I'd suggest that it's locked. I'd be happy for it to be pruned back to the original post at the same time but I really don't mind if not. In my view the arguments levelled against me are not reasoned at all and are obvious as being so. Fair enough if someone came back with scientific data showing that my petition is unwarranted, but they haven't. This speaks volumes imho.