The first thing I will tell you is to slow down.
Measure your ca and alk (do not add anything to your tank right now).
If your cal is above 450 do not add any calcium suppliments. If your calcium is below 450 you can add some, but you need to try and keep your ca around 450 or so. You can use the Reef Chemistry Calculator to help you decide how much to dose at that time.
If your alk is below 7 dkh you need to add buffer, or the alk part of your c-balance to bring it up to the 7-11 range. You can use the same reef chem calculator to do that.
Once both values are in the normal range, you need to figure out how much to dose to keep them in that range. Start out slow. Since it sounds like you do not have a lot of corals in your tank yet, go for 1 week then measure alk, and calcium. Use the calculator to figure out how much of your 2 part alk you need to add, then add the same amount of both bottles. Do this again the second week, you should be adding close to the same amount each week. Then for the next month add this same amount every week of both bottles, then measure ca/alk. If they are lower, increase your dose a little, if they are higher decrease your dose a little. As you add more corals and get more growth you will have to increase the amount that you dose, you might have to go do dosing twice a week to help keep things stable, or even twice a day for a very well growing sps dominated tank.
Be very careful about what your specialist tells you, since it sounds like they might not be as good of a specialist as you think.