8O Oh dude, that sucks! If you got home quick enough and got the dying critters out, I'd do a massive water change, run activated carbon and watch everything else closely. Things should perk up, but you should check your ammonia levels for the next few days and have lots of water at hand to do changes if other things die off and your ammonia spikes. Hoping for the best for you...
What caused the overheated tank? Sorry for your bad luck
My sons tank had a chiller and the pump broke. I had just moved all my acans into his tank if that makes ya feel any better. His tank went over 91 I am sure probably more like 95+ and the fish are fine. The snails and even the lettuce nudi is fine. Three acan colonys gone, and several small colonys gone. I still have 5 colonys but the ones that were in his tank are bleached white still so who knows. Just figured I'd let ya know you have some company lol. His happened a few weeks back and nothing else came of it. I didnt do a W/C and now he is getting some cyno but I will hit the tank with a W/C this week. His zoas were closed for a few days but came through just fine as well as a echino, and some other lps he had. His montis and pavonas also are fine.
Anyhow you should pull through just get everything back inline and you'll be set. W/C and carbon would be a good idea.
My heater went nuts a couple of years ago. It cooked a Cleaner Shrimp and my Mandarin. It was pretty disappointing.
I went downstairs to check up on everything and I see that my shrimp's not moving so I reach in to take it out and I felt how hot the water was. It must've been around 95 if not higher. Fortunately, I caught it on time and everything else survived.
I'd just like to make note that while all the other fish were hiding and freaking out a little, my Ocellaris Clowns seemed to be completely fine. They showed absolutely no distress, even with the water temperature that high. It was just another day for them.