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Another crazy SOB with big ideas
I like doing most things myself and plan building the next tank, the below idea just came to me who knows if it’s good or not. :idea:
Soultwater":q9w7phg7 said:
Let’s just say you could build a large well reef tank with the bottom in the shape of a funnel. Inside the aquarium the bottom is supported with something like egg crate but not breakable and very strong. This being said it should be apparent that we do not have any substrate. Now what I want to do is make the end of the funnel a drain for doing water changes. What I’m thinking is the heavy materials and metals in the water will sink and be drained out with water changes. This change should greatly reduce the amount of water that will need changed for routine maintenance and over time reduce the overall cost of upkeep.

What is wrong with this idea?
As for the next tank I really like large salt and reef tanks (300 – 700 gal) and would like to get your opinions on what materials I should go with. I have a rough idea what I want but have no concrete plan yet. … concrete that’s a material I’ve been thinking of. :mrgreen:

Rough plan is to build into a wall but have the back half in a room so all the maintenance is done there. In this room I want the works like running water, RO system, lost of power outlets smartly placed :| , Slop sink, floor drains and extra tanks for breeding and or growing frags.
Anyone else thinking ideas like this or am I mad? :oops:
What materials would you build the tank out of?
What is that one thing you couldn’t live without if you could do it all over again?
Been thinking of a wave system for the tank on the scale of the big theme parks wave pools anyone know how they do it?
How would you build the sump for a monster tank?
What type of lighting? I’m guessing a lot of HO T5s and some metal halides.
Does anyone know what size sheets of glass or other materials come in?
Basically you can start from scratch with no barriers what would you do?
Maybe I should just get a job at Sea World…
:!: :!: :!:


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Soultwater":xy1xf828 said:
Let’s just say you could build a large well reef tank with the bottom in the shape of a funnel. Inside the aquarium the bottom is supported with something like egg crate but not breakable and very strong. This being said it should be apparent that we do not have any substrate. Now what I want to do is make the end of the funnel a drain for doing water changes. What I’m thinking is the heavy materials and metals in the water will sink and be drained out with water changes. This change should greatly reduce the amount of water that will need changed for routine maintenance and over time reduce the overall cost of upkeep.

What is wrong with this idea?
There's a picture of a refugium in Delbeek&Sprung's The Reef Aquarium (Volume 3, I think) that has a conical (pyramidal?) base with a drain. Seems pretty clever to me, 'cuz a refugium is usually the system's area of lowest flow. Detritus does settle in areas of lowest flow. I can't imagine you'd ever want to do this on your display, especially if it's several hundred gallons. I suppose this depends on exactly what you'll be keeping in the display tank, its flow-rate compared to other sections of the system, and how often you worry about stuff like seams failing.

As for the next tank I really like large salt and reef tanks (300 – 700 gal) and would like to get your opinions on what materials I should go with. I have a rough idea what I want but have no concrete plan yet. … concrete that’s a material I’ve been thinking of. :mrgreen:

Rough plan is to build into a wall but have the back half in a room so all the maintenance is done there. In this room I want the works like running water, RO system, lost of power outlets smartly placed :| , Slop sink, floor drains and extra tanks for breeding and or growing frags.
Anyone else thinking ideas like this or am I mad? :oops:
No, it's a great idea. Lucky people have dedicated rooms like these, the rest of us live in apartments, or have poorly acclimated wifefish. I'm helping a friend work on one now. (The sump room, not the wifefish.)

What materials would you build the tank out of?
For something over about 300 gallons, I'd go with acrylic. If you're looking to save money (?) or DIY it or swim in it, you might make three sides and the bottom out of braced plywood (w/ epoxy) and have the front panel be glass or acrylic.

What is that one thing you couldn’t live without if you could do it all over again?
More girlfriendfish.

Been thinking of a wave system for the tank on the scale of the big theme parks wave pools anyone know how they do it?
Lots of different ways to accomplish this. Almost every one can have a high PITA factor. You have many bridges to cross before you get to this one. Please start a new thread when the time comes -> There are many people on this board with substantial experience with waves/surges/salt creep.

How would you build the sump for a monster tank?
As large as possible!

What type of lighting? I’m guessing a lot of HO T5s and some metal halides.
SolaTubes, MH and LEDs with narrow lenses. Heck, might as well throw in a plasma bulb, too. :mrgreen:

Does anyone know what size sheets of glass or other materials come in?
Glass, something like 8x12'. Give or take a couple of feet. The largest acrylic sheet you could get would be roughly equal to 1/2 the width of the narrowest part of the road leading to your house.

Is there a budget for this? :lol:


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But most important of all: You'll get many more, more well-informed replies here if you make your posts into short, single questions/ideas. It's just easier to discuss that way. :D



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JohnHenry":31tfoue4 said:
Is there a budget for this? :lol:

Not at the moment... I will add this into the cost of building the house.
The big plan to get the basic design and room done then spend the next year working out the details. While this is going on I'll start growing most of the corals and getting the home made LR cured in the other tanks.
Thanks for the info


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Rough plan is to build into a wall but have the back half in a room so all the maintenance is done there. In this room I want the works like running water, RO system, lost of power outlets smartly placed , Slop sink, floor drains and extra tanks for breeding and or growing frags.
A fish room is always a good idea.

Anyone else thinking ideas like this or am I mad?

I think the funnel idea is more trouble than its worth. If you have enough flow in the tank to keep the detritus in suspension, you can build a settling area in/by the sump - or just run filter socks. I don't see how the funnel bottom would reduce the need for water changes.

What materials would you build the tank out of?

Are you building it yourself or having it made? Fiberglass is good with a glass front pane. Concrete works as well, but will leach stuff for a while.

What is that one thing you couldn’t live without if you could do it all over again?

Lots of access space above the tank.

Been thinking of a wave system for the tank on the scale of the big theme parks wave pools anyone know how they do it?

300-700 gallons isn't really all that big. I would go with vortechs or some other commercial wave making product.

How would you build the sump for a monster tank?

350 gallon rubbermaid drinking trough.

What type of lighting? I’m guessing a lot of HO T5s and some metal halides.

MH with some LEDs and VHOs for actinic.


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The solid will settle out and sink to the bottom, but dissolved metal won't. The bottom will be covered with detritus, even if it is sloped at a high grade, so you still need to push them down to the tip if you want to do an efficient water change.


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Oh - I would do at lease a 10 foot long tank if I were doing it again.


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Thales":ulrk7v8r said:
Oh - I would do at lease a 10 foot long tank if I were doing it again.

THALES Why 10'?

wHAT ABOUT TANK HEIGHT (damn caps lock) Deeper tanks look nice but the issue with getting good light penetration could work against me. I’ve been thinking not more than 24 inches high but go at least 36 inches deep… probably larger most likely 48 inches.
I’m going back state side soon so the frag/grow tanks will be the first thing I build. I’m going to start ordering some supplies like bulk heads ball valves, gate valves and maybe lighting for the frag tanks.
Where do you get your bulk heads from and What size 1.5 inch?

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