Hello there, all you young people
Its been a long while and finally im making some progress on when I might finally start my SPS reef tank. Still however there will be some kind of waiting period before this will happen. As is, many changes has be decided on, for one thing, I no longer will have or rebuild the 180 gal tank. Being that both the 180 and 240 had to be build up almost new with everything except the tanks themselves.
I am making some head way on this project, but remember that I already paid once before one lfs owner to setup both tanks, the only thing is, everything he put on these tanks were not suited for maintaining a SPS reef system.
I little data on the 240, I am changing everything down to the tank itself. Please remember that the tank stand has a height of only 24", and having such a large tank and addition water volume from the sump, it would be extremely difficult to get any good equipment which would manage this system.
A week ago, I gotten a quote on the new stand of 36" in height with canopy for $1,400. I am now waiting for a second choice, of the tank stand being 38" in height. Either way, I will have one of these sets.
My main return pump has already been decided on, I will have the Sequence ReeFlo Dart Pump, 3600 GPH, with both the PVC return line and drain will be 3".
I already bought some used equipment for my 240 gal tank, a chiller, calcium reactor and skimmer.
The equipment mentioned are listed as follows:
Pacific Coast Imports C0500 ½hp Chiller
My Reef Creations dual Chamber Calcium Reactor, Regulator and Co2 Canister
MRC MR4 Skimmer, Blueline external pump (1750 gph) and a Waste container
The use equipment with shipping cost me $1,395, and with the decission already decided on, there still be a good number of topics to chat about, and suggestions would be helpful, or useful. Understand one thing here, this SPS tank, is totally new and different for me, I stuck with this idea to do this SPS tank, even with all the excuses and long wait of more then six years to soon and finally enjoy. I will tell you this, that this tank will not start before the end of this year, that much I know because im with any number of toehr equipment to get before this could happen.
So that you all know that im not talking to you out from the side of my face, I had taking these pictures of the equipment I told you that I bought.
MRC MR4 Skimmer
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6201.jpg
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6206.jpg
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6207.jpg
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6208.jpg
On the skimmer, were parts like the air valve will be furnished new Teflon tape.
Calcium Reactor
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6209.jpg
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6211.jpg
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6212.jpg
I not as yet put this together as yet.
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6214.jpg
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6215.jpg
The chiller were you see a PVC pipe connected to two parts, are the chillers filtration, one in and the other is out to be returned to the tank. Upon my request, George had sealed it openings tight and good, and is filled with saltwater from his tank, it will remain so until its ready to be used, in which case then, the chiller will be drained completely
Waste Container
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6221.jpg
Skimmer Pump
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6223.jpg
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6224.jpg
Also, I last talked to James my aquarium guy, on a all custom build sump, but if it suits well for the tank, perhaps I can go with a 125 gal tank for it might be less in cost.
As it is now, everything else is on hold now because I need to raise the money for my property tax, also know that James, my aquarium guy, he has $3,200 of my money for the rebuilding of this tank.
Still there be some other equipment I would require for this tank, being its to be my first SPS tank, its a all new ball game as we say. One thing i do not believe is required, and that i consider it a total waste of money, is a nitrate reactor. And im hoping that most that I will require for this, I might buy used.
Its been a long while and finally im making some progress on when I might finally start my SPS reef tank. Still however there will be some kind of waiting period before this will happen. As is, many changes has be decided on, for one thing, I no longer will have or rebuild the 180 gal tank. Being that both the 180 and 240 had to be build up almost new with everything except the tanks themselves.
I am making some head way on this project, but remember that I already paid once before one lfs owner to setup both tanks, the only thing is, everything he put on these tanks were not suited for maintaining a SPS reef system.
I little data on the 240, I am changing everything down to the tank itself. Please remember that the tank stand has a height of only 24", and having such a large tank and addition water volume from the sump, it would be extremely difficult to get any good equipment which would manage this system.
A week ago, I gotten a quote on the new stand of 36" in height with canopy for $1,400. I am now waiting for a second choice, of the tank stand being 38" in height. Either way, I will have one of these sets.
My main return pump has already been decided on, I will have the Sequence ReeFlo Dart Pump, 3600 GPH, with both the PVC return line and drain will be 3".
I already bought some used equipment for my 240 gal tank, a chiller, calcium reactor and skimmer.
The equipment mentioned are listed as follows:
Pacific Coast Imports C0500 ½hp Chiller
My Reef Creations dual Chamber Calcium Reactor, Regulator and Co2 Canister
MRC MR4 Skimmer, Blueline external pump (1750 gph) and a Waste container
The use equipment with shipping cost me $1,395, and with the decission already decided on, there still be a good number of topics to chat about, and suggestions would be helpful, or useful. Understand one thing here, this SPS tank, is totally new and different for me, I stuck with this idea to do this SPS tank, even with all the excuses and long wait of more then six years to soon and finally enjoy. I will tell you this, that this tank will not start before the end of this year, that much I know because im with any number of toehr equipment to get before this could happen.
So that you all know that im not talking to you out from the side of my face, I had taking these pictures of the equipment I told you that I bought.
MRC MR4 Skimmer
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6201.jpg
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6206.jpg
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6207.jpg
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6208.jpg
On the skimmer, were parts like the air valve will be furnished new Teflon tape.
Calcium Reactor
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6209.jpg
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6211.jpg
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6212.jpg
I not as yet put this together as yet.
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6214.jpg
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6215.jpg
The chiller were you see a PVC pipe connected to two parts, are the chillers filtration, one in and the other is out to be returned to the tank. Upon my request, George had sealed it openings tight and good, and is filled with saltwater from his tank, it will remain so until its ready to be used, in which case then, the chiller will be drained completely
Waste Container
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6221.jpg
Skimmer Pump
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6223.jpg
http://s651.photobucket.com/albums/uu23 ... G_6224.jpg
Also, I last talked to James my aquarium guy, on a all custom build sump, but if it suits well for the tank, perhaps I can go with a 125 gal tank for it might be less in cost.
As it is now, everything else is on hold now because I need to raise the money for my property tax, also know that James, my aquarium guy, he has $3,200 of my money for the rebuilding of this tank.
Still there be some other equipment I would require for this tank, being its to be my first SPS tank, its a all new ball game as we say. One thing i do not believe is required, and that i consider it a total waste of money, is a nitrate reactor. And im hoping that most that I will require for this, I might buy used.