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Hello MR. I re-started my 60G tank a year and a half ago and somehow(probably through a frag), vermetid snails got into my tank and now they've literally taken over most of my rockwork. I know it's impossible to get rid of them but is there any way of controlling them?

I also noticed that they are leaving behind a layer of dust/detritus on my rockwork as well. Is the dust/detritus from the web they release? any help is appreciated! Pics below/attached.



Reefer Always Learning
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I have them as well. They are definitely controllable. Ones I can reach, I cut away with bone cutters. Make sure you clear the entire skeleton and the actual snail from thr rock or itll just regrow a shell again. If I can takr out the whole rock, I do it that way. Others I cover with a blob of reef epoxy and glue. And then finally, less broadcast feeding and more target so they have less to eat. They may just start to die back on their own

Actinic Atoll

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Wow they really took care of that rock didn't they?

With a bit of diligence after a blitzkrieg of snipers and glue, I think you can knock them back. Be sure to do under the rocks and check your equipment.

They don't get that big over night, so with some sustained inspections you should be able to keep the population almost zeroed except for maybe a few.

Getting that last 1% may take exponential more effort, but I do agree that your goal of controlling them is absolutely doable with reasonable effort.

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