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It is in the news... a couple of people have died in Nigeria, and now in the US, because they self-medicated with chloroquine.

I was wondering how they got hold of it here without a prescription (it is used for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis), then I read they had used "Chloroquine Phosphate".
Then it said something about an aquarium cleaner, and the memory came: CP.

They used CP, something used for ich, velvet, etc! I still wonder how they got it: doesn't it require a prescription from a vet? I see forums telling "you can order it from the manufacturer" If that is the case it is insanity for the manufacturer to just let people bypass rules like that.

The articles mention as well "an additive often used at aquariums to clean fish tanks". No comments.

Still it is sad when people start self medicating and die from it because they have heard the name of a molecule. (and you can poison yourself with pretty much anything, not just choloroquine)


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Westchester, N.Y
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To get it legally you need a prescription from a doctor. A veterinarian can write you one. The cheapest and fastest was ebay without a prescription. Depending how much grams you want can cost $12.99 and up. I believed he did used a fish tank cleaner with a ingredient that had almost the same word chloroquine in it.I don't know how true the story. What Fishy about this story. The wife is in ICU and supposedly she the one that called the news.


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To get it legally you need a prescription from a doctor. A veterinarian can write you one. The cheapest and fastest was ebay without a prescription. Depending how much grams you want can cost $12.99 and up. I believed he did used a fish tank cleaner with a ingredient that had almost the same word chloroquine in it.I don't know how true the story. What Fishy about this story. The wife is in ICU and supposedly she the one that called the news.

Thanks for the details. I actually did find a very detailed article here about it. It is actual chloroquine, and apparently does work as a "general cleaner" (for fish-only tanks)



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So, this has been bugging me as I knew there had to be more to the story. First there's this:
That pharmaceutical name matched the label on a bottle of chemicals they used to clean their koi pond, NBC News reported
Many sources repeat that the woman said it was a "Koi pond cleaner", including the Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/03/24/coronavirus-chloroquine-poisoning-death/

So, what other ingredients were contain therein? But for the sake of argument let's say the only listed ingredient in the "Koi pond cleaner" was Chloroquine:
They each mixed 1 teaspoon of the chloroquine phosphate with soda. Within 20 minutes, the woman began vomiting and her husband had trouble breathing. The woman called paramedics, and the couple were admitted to a Banner Health hospital.
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/taraha...quine-after-trump-touts-drug-for-coronavirus/

So, I weighed 1 teaspoon of chloroquine phosphate and it weighs 3.56 grams. That's well above the 400mg - 1 gram experimental doses for treating COVID-19, and anything above 2 grams has been long considered a dangerous "suicide dose" of Chloroquine.

So, while these two were idiots for self-medicating (esp ingesting "Koi pond cleaner")... There's a little more to the story than the mainstream news media is telling you.
It's crazy that people self-medicate like this. Chloroquine isn't even what is used to treat COVID-19, it's called Hydroxychloroquine, AKA Plaquenil, which is a different and safer form. Regardless, hydroxychloroquine has it's own negative side effects and along with azithromycin it can have some interesting side effects even if you're a healthy individual. Ask me how I know.


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It's crazy that people self-medicate like this. Chloroquine isn't even what is used to treat COVID-19, it's called Hydroxychloroquine, AKA Plaquenil, which is a different and safer form. Regardless, hydroxychloroquine has it's own negative side effects and along with azithromycin it can have some interesting side effects even if you're a healthy individual. Ask me how I know.

The French study used Hydroxychloroquine, but the Chinese study involved Chloroquine phosphate: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32074550

My understanding is Hydroxychloroquine is a derivative (albeit safer form) of Chloroquine. Both drugs are being used for clinical trials in NY: https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisett...for-coronavirus-treatment-tuesday-cuomo-says/

I think what most people don't understand is the dosages being tested out, and that only pharmaceutical grade (99% pure) medications are being used for the trials. Also, it is a huge unknown what interaction issues may exist between Chloroquine/Hydroxychloroquine and whatever other medications you may be taking. That's what the doctor & pharmacist is for. (y)


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I think that’s part of the problem but I don’t know much

Im sure in the future there Will be research done to see if there is a correlation between the two

For now I guess we just have to ride out the storm, practice good hygiene, respect ourselves and others


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This virus is crazy

Seeing reports from China of medical professional who already had covid, recovered, tested negative are now asymptomatic and testing positive again

Yet to be determined if they are transmitting but i don’t see how they couldn’t be?!


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Yet to be determined if they are transmitting but i don’t see how they couldn’t be?!

A lot isn't really known about COVID-19 (yet). Much of the information being disseminated is extrapolated from what is known about previous coronaviruses (like SARS). In the coming months more specific information should surface regarding COVID-19.

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