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i was doing a water change on my 750xxl and my sump overflowed inside the cabinet and spilled out through out i mopped all that came out i looked inisde the cabinet did not see any water on the sides do i need to take out the sump to dry it and the sump mines came with the retrokit brace
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I would but you can try using a shop vac to suck out water between stand and sump. Also I would put a fan pointing between sand and sump.

Make sure your return nozzles are just under the water surface otherwise it is going to happen everytime your RP turns off.


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I figured out what happened I was battling cyan so I put the pump for the uv in the display tank behind the rock figuring it would help much but forget that it would siphon back in the sump stupid of me I could not see any more water inside the cabinet or Underneath it so figuring the foam underneath the sump soaked most of it up and the rest made its way through the cracks mopped it up so don’t really know what to do sump is heavy as hell only way to remove it is taking out that brace and for that I would have to empty out the tank don’t have any other tank transfer everything so don’t really know what to do


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Have no before pic but heres the sump pic water got behind it and overflowed sump is all th way to the back of the wall


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And u don’t have to empty the tank to take out that brace. I had a max650 and had to remove the brace a few times. The true frame of the tank is the aluminum beams. U can remove it. Drain your sump completely and dry it. Let it sit to dry as long as your comfortable with. (As long as u keep Powerheads running and water to temp a few hours is fine.)


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dont think the the 750 comes with aluminum beams the entire cabinet is wood i was told they spray something on the wood to protect it from salt creep i dried all i can just gonna keep on eye on it


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I had a max650 and currently own a reefer 350. They both have the beams. Where does the brace u would need to take out to get to the sump attach? Probably has plastic brackets with screws that tie it into the metal frame. Yes there’s a plastic laminate on the wood. But at the ends and corners water can get in and swell the wood.
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This is why I’m hesitant to buy any stand made of MDF, no matter what it’s coated with. Much rather build solid waterproofed/painted wood stand or buy 8020 stand from framing tech- no worries about water damage. Keep a close eye on that stand. Maybe put a level on it to monitor any warping.
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looking into a 80/20 but dam they are very expensive
Yeah but how much does your tank and future corals and fish cost you? And how much would it cost you to repair the damage that tank would cause if it ever failed because of a warped stand? Lot of homeowners insurance won’t cover aquarium water damage. Pay once to prevent future payments. Could you build a wood frame inside the stand to help support the weight? I don’t know how much room there is in your stand.


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It’s a Red Sea cabinet no space at all sump is almost 48” alone I contacted Red Sea waiting on them 2 hear what they say I contacted framing tech as well waiting on a quote last option would. Be build a stand my self did it for my 120 until I got a tube steel stand not sure if I would feel comfortable building one of this size especially it being rimless


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New redsea 625-750xxl are plywood. I can guarantee that it is plywood and top coat is not laminated. New redsea stand have no glue seams. It look like a plastic dip is some sort. All their holes drill for the pins have plastic inserts. Only place not protected are the turn lock cutouts.
So water spill will not effect the stand. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.
Lasted version of 750 have a L bracket across the front of the cabinet. Under the front glass panel. I would not remove center brace without empty some water out.
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