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(Disclaimer - mild, subjective humor mixed with some sarcasm ahead) I enjoy MR immensely and the vast majority of my experiences here have been great. I could gripe about something more serious like ich causing the loss of almost all my fish about a week ago, but in the spirit of throwing shade I'll whine about something much less significant. It is (mildly) annoying when you come across those rare incidents like when someone agrees to sell you an item, you agree on the listed price and the meeting place and time, and go the extra mile to verify verbally that they are COVID free :D. When you think you have dotted every "I" and crossed every "t" you realize that a verbal agreement is not binding when you get a text 40 minutes before meeting, inviting you to match a better offer or lose the sale. They then drop off the grid when you up your offer - but apparently not satisfactorily.

Can't account for everyone I guess, or maybe an off day? Anyway, if I commit to a sale I'm not going to cancel on someone. Sigh... Anyway, how is everybody doing? I hope your families and your tanks are healthy.

If you do choose to respond please don't flame anybody.
yeah sorry about the fish
i hate people like that
i have never flaked or re-negotiated on a deal
but the one person who did ruined it for the rest
i don’t sell much or trade much on mr unless i know them now
it sucks
pm me who it was so i won’t ever deal with them either
save me the hassle
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yeah sorry about the fish
i hate people like that
i have never flaked or re-negotiated on a deal
but the one person who did ruined it for the rest
i don’t sell much or trade much on mr unless i know them now
it sucks
pm me who it was so i won’t ever deal with them either
save me the hassle
It's cool, well not cool, but it's ok. If they happen to read this thread hopefully it helps to change their minds about how we operate as a community. There is a lot of good to pay forward in the MR community - too much to let a few negative experiences interfere.


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Not fish related but still in the same scope of people flaking and or scamming. The Kids have been asking for a PS4 but with Covid its been sold out at all the stores that are even open IE Target and BJ's etc. So i hope on Letgo and find a console to buy agree on price and pay via Paypal. Drive 40 mins to the ass end of SI. Sent a message to the seller and then get blocked and seller deletes there account. That was failed attempt #1. So friday i checked facebook marketplace and found someone local selling a console setup pickup time, jump in the car drive to the address sit there 15mins waiting then get a texted saying im sorry i cant find it come back another day... failed attempt #2.. scope

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