TBS New Reefer Location Tampa, Florida Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Jul 9, 2023 #101 Loved seeing your aquascape, well done!
E edd Advanced Reefer Manhattan Reefs Location nj Rating - 100% 96 0 0 Nov 3, 2023 #103 is the tang dying, looks awfully thin
Timbo Got Reef? Location Chester Rating - 100% 2 0 0 Nov 3, 2023 #104 No, have never been able to get her fat in 5 years. Eats everything but doesn’t ever plump up.
Timbo Got Reef? Location Chester Rating - 100% 2 0 0 Nov 14, 2023 #106 Cleaned up the refugium. Took out a 5g bucket full of chaeto. Made an area for chaeto to stay put. Now what fish to add bc why not stock something cool?
Cleaned up the refugium. Took out a 5g bucket full of chaeto. Made an area for chaeto to stay put. Now what fish to add bc why not stock something cool?
PalmTree Senior Member Manhattan Reefs Location CT Rating - 100% 23 0 0 Nov 21, 2023 #108 Tank looks great! Nice job!!