doubt it would be cheap anyway. Like the Stratocaster zoa, vendors are literally over hyping it “these have been cooking for a long time!!” And made it $200 per polyp when in fact it’s been circulating the market for $60 or so a polyp
Well, just because there is thousands of out there doesn't mean it's going to be cheap. U need to factor in transhipper usually in CA (custom clearance, inspection, shipping to vander) There is DOA maybe 20-30% shipping from Australia or Indonesia. Shipping cost mostly water weight. $5/Kg internationally and $1/KG domestic.
Also supplier oversea are not stupid, maybe even smarter than all of us. If they see something goes for $1,000 in the US. They will charge $400. With all the charges and fees may arrive here at $500-$600 a head at cost. Then someone need to make something...that's your LFS and online vander.