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WOW! So sad.

This is disturbing, :( .
The present total population size is between 1.8 and 2.2 million individuals, but an estimated minimum of 700,000 to 900,000 fish are extracted every year for the aquarium trade.
Upper East Side
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That doesn't surprise me - think about all of the people in the world who start saltwater fish tanks. Then multiply that by two because a lot of the people who start tanks don't really understand what goes into the care of these animals and end up killing what they buy. Then think about how much Banggai Cardinals cost - they're one of the cheaper fish so they probably meet this fate almost as often as little nemos. Sad, but true.

Correct me if I am wrong, but haven't these guys been bred successfully in captivity? It makes me sad when people buy wild caught fish when there are tank bred options that are available - esp. when the tank bred ones are often hardier.

bad coffee

Inept at life.
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This was brought up at MACNA.

it costs about $25 per fish to tank raise to adulthood. it costs a wholesaler about $3 per fish wild caught.

Would you pay $30 for a bangaii? Neither would anyone else.

The bangaii was put through CITES for consideration, and was turned down. Next time it can come up is 7 years.

By then I hope tank bred ones are a bit cheaper.



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This was brought up at MACNA.

it costs about $25 per fish to tank raise to adulthood. it costs a wholesaler about $3 per fish wild caught.

Would you pay $30 for a bangaii? Neither would anyone else.

The bangaii was put through CITES for consideration, and was turned down. Next time it can come up is 7 years.

By then I hope tank bred ones are a bit cheaper.


Why so much? Less transport/danger/loss of life/risk for diver

Paul B

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I have not raised them yet either but they are breeding every three weeks or so. I have the "pregnant" male in a seperate tank now and I will check out the babies in a day or so. I am trying to breed gobies which don't want to hear about it and it seems that everything but the gobies are laying eggs.
Have a great day.

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