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Cape Cod
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I use salt water I guess RO would be ok but not Tap!
Think of this rock like a sponge, quickly drinking up whatever you first tank it in. (I don't want that to be tap water)
Personally I take it one step further and use water change water,
This forces me to do some extra water changes in one of our systems and gives the rock a head start on getting some beneficial bacteria from an established system.

Power head is a great idea ...especially at that 1 week mark. I use a mag 18 with an 3/4fpt x 1/2" barb on it to create a nice jet.

It's done when testing shows no more ammonia or Nitrite and Nitrate falling fast .
I use the Fritz industries products to help this. The turbo start 900 is a bio engineered nitrifing bacteria that works awesome IMO. (I have stories ;) )


Thats Mr. Clown to you!
Clifton NJ
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Sorry can't promise that :eek:

as a matter of fact it can get pretty funky!

But what fun would it be if not ? ;)

Alright, after the new year I'll figure out how much I want..
I only have a few big rock and the rest is small..

Marc, do you have a store front? I wouldn't mind taking a
ride to cape cod some weekend..


Cape Cod
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Only a select few have ever gone.

LOL True but I had to chuckle at that one, Makes it sound like the bat cave or something :)

I did close our retail location almost 2 years ago and made the decision to work from home once again.
I put up a pretty cool barn/ carriage house style building to house the business, It's 1700sf with a 12X38' greenhouse section across the back, also sunk 5 125' geothermal loops before the foundation work was back filled. Still finishing some things up but having fun with it.

So it's true about not keeping any retail hours but provided our schedules match up I'm not opposed to a friend or fellow hobbiest coming by for a beer.

Bob 1000

Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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My shipment..

Well I received my shipment today for the 30 pieces special....It wasn't 30 pieces but I think that might have been a typo, maybe they meant 30 pounds... The sizes are decent and the density is great...The shipment came in 2 boxes and it's seems like a good deal... But the next time I order I will want to speak with someone before so, to verify what I'm ordering..

Also going to the site now that special is gone.........

Bob 1000

Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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My shipment..

Here are the pics...


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Bob 1000

Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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My sump/refugium/grouperhome/

These will probably go in my regular system sump because I keep selling people my coralline encrusted pieces...For their new tanks.. Just need to make a little room....


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Advanced Reefer
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Well I received my shipment today for the 30 pieces special....It wasn't 30 pieces but I think that might have been a typo, maybe they meant 30 pounds... The sizes are decent and the density is great...The shipment came in 2 boxes and it's seems like a good deal... But the next time I order I will want to speak with someone before so, to verify what I'm ordering..

Also going to the site now that special is gone.........

Hi Bob,
Thanks and sorry if theres some confusion on the site.
It looks like what you ordered would have been 30# at $1.50/ Lb (not 30 pieces)
no worries this is not rubble it's just regular Fiji premium and Tonga rock,
a bit more dense than our signature rock but nice still.


Bob 1000

Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Hi Bob,
Thanks and sorry if theres some confusion on the site.
It looks like what you ordered would have been 30# at $1.50/ Lb (not 30 pieces)
no worries this is not rubble it's just regular Fiji premium and Tonga rock,
a bit more dense than our signature rock but nice still.

Not sure how I missed this post but on the site it definetly said 30 pieces.. That was the major selling point with me...But anyways I'm still satisfied with my purchase and will be ordering more...

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