I got the best info from people who are used to dealing with bigger systems the kind I have... If you want to know about the Whopper ask people who have dealt with the whopper... If you want to know about the cheeseburger ask people who have dealt with the cheeseburger... No offense cheeseburger owners... Just kidding.. Bad joke.. Smaller is harder to keep.. That's why I stated off big...
I got info from people who have never owned a big system and that's exactly what i got... Half, ending up improvising the rest in the beginning. I took the time out to speak with people who had nice reefs that were 125+ and I got full answers that left no questions... Except for the next question which there always is in this hobby...
The last thing you want to do is to get half the information and have to improvise the rest. These are only fish in some eyes, but we all should be responsible enough to do the best we can..