Although I had intended to stay for the speakers I basically bought what I wanted and left. It was way to small and hot for the amount of people in the room. Picked up some really nice frags from SMCOOLER. There was food? :lol: Thanks!
on the bright side, the corals stayed warm!It was way to small and hot for the amount of people in the room.
I just started my tank and went to the frag to get more info. I really liked walking around and seeing the variety of corals and equipment. It was cool to put a face to the names as well. I thank MR for putting this together and all the vendors that attended.
I did hope to see more demonstrations and talks for beginners as I am just getting into the hobby. It is at all possible for the more experienced members and vendors to do mini talks and demonstrations? This, I think, would also bring in a bigger crowd. I can help in putting this together for the next frag swap. Who do I need to contact? Can this be done?
who won the raffles?