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Junior Member
brooklyn, ny
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Hi guys, My 12g JBJ NANO CUBE, which is only 1 1/2 years old is leaking from the bottom and I urgently need to buy a tank from someone to save my pets!!! I'm in dire need of advice on how to make this process smooth!!! Thanks in advance! Oh and I'm calling JBJ first thing tomorrow to complain!!!


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for now use a rubbermaid type container,
anything big enough to fit your livestock and rocks in.

make up water now, and transfer it all in the am,
that is if the leak is not that bad. use as much of the of water as possible,
it will just help keep the parameters the same.

power heads, heater, and lights and your pets will be fine.


Junior Member
brooklyn, ny
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jhale, so i can get something from home depot and tranfer everything into it use the hood from my tank and it should be ok for how long??? 2 days max?


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with lights and water flow and light feedings you can use the plastic container for a long time. just make sure you test your water for ammonia and nitrites to make sure your new container is not having a mini cycle.


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as long as you keep up with water changes you can keep your fish and coral in the tub for weeks or more if you want to.
you'll have time to figure out what tank you want to set up next.

just keep an eye on the temp. and make sure you set it up in a place where it won't have to be moved.


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you need to take a picthure of the tank and a copy of the receipt,and fax it ,if you dont let me know ican help you with it.call me before you call jbj



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Alinka,,Wlecome MR ,
Srry for the leak on your tank ,good you and inline where in the catch the leak ,good luck with JBJ ,,,get aa rubber maid ,and put everything in ,,if you have aprob getting a tank ,go to Petland and something for now ,tilyou get thing str8 with JBJ
good luck ,let us how things worked out for you
ROnen ,,,


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plz no 1go through this for another 5 yrs ,,we dont need this in the hobby ,,get tuff with them ,and get new tank ,tell them you lost lots of stuff cuz of the mess up ,,play alog ,not to tuff thou ,,use a sweet bitter voice ,it should work
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Advanced Reefer
Ridgefield, NJ
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I really sorry to hear about your Nanocube. But it's pretty common thing nowaday for JBJ Nanocube crack. I am really worry about mine. I am not sure if JBJ will replace your 1.5 years old Nanocube. Even if they do, it will take long time. You need to get a replacement. I guess 10G tank will do since 12G Nanocube is actually 10G. Goodluck.


Advanced Reefer
Ridgefield, NJ
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Even if JBJ replacing your tank, don't go with JBJ Nanocube anymore. It's really not safe, you were just lucky compare to other people.

I suggest M-Tank from Finnex if you like to have all in one package like JBJ. But it's much more reliable and you can upgrade stuffs much easier. And the price is not that much. They have 2 tanks, 20G and 32G. 20G sells about $250 on Ebay or you can get it from Nanocustome for $350ish. This is the link from Ebay, http://cgi.ebay.com/20-Gallon-Acryl...ryZ20755QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem.
This same seller sells 32G sometime for $350. He is about $100 cheaper than any other place. I put him on my ebay seller list and I am definately going to buy from him when I am ready to upgrade or crack my JBJ nanocube.

Nanocustome has 20G with MH light for $450 I think.

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alinka said:
I will try to get either a cheap tank or rubber maid after work temporarily, ..i just dont want to move things twice!
Dont let it bring you down ,What ever you have to do ,,cool ,,if you need help ,we will give ya a hand ,so dont worry about a thing ,you got :grouphug: here

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