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Park Ridge, NJ
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Anyone else come home to a super heated tank last night?
I came home last night to a tank that was over 90 degrees. The ambient air temp was 95-98 degrees last night in my apt, with the windows open. In the reef the sps are bleaching bad, but the fish look fine. In my FOWLR both my puffer and the dottyback died.


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Not at all, I was surprised how cooled my tank stayed yesterday. It was 80 degrees, no fans, no chiller.

I did only run MH for about 2 hours, but it definitely didn't hit as high as yours.

But what I did do was shut off the return pump and skimmer (I was running the return for about 12 hours on vinegar a little bit to break up the calcium).

Maybe my return pump (40Watt) + skimmer (40Watt) puts a lot of heat in the tank? Maybe that's the trick, on really hot days, shut the energy hogs off.
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Advanced Reefer
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mine went from 79 to 81 saturday then yesterday 79 to 85. Is the flux in temp something to worry about..? I havent seen my firefish in a couple days and my pearly jawfish is acting funny.

I have a RSM so the top is pretty much sealed off except for vents for the mini fans. Will a regular stand fan blowing directly at the tank help?


Advanced Reefer
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Get some fans, shorten the lights on period. 6hrs should be enough on hot days. Don't laugh but I also freeze a big block of RO water and sit it in the sump. It does help a little. Obviously a chiller would help or just turn on the AC in the room.
Good luck sorry about your losses.
My tank went up to 84 from 78 but no losses.


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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Yeah I live on the second floor of my apartment. So it's right under the roof, with no insulation, and the downstairs apartment had their AC on which drove up all the heat into my apartment. I used ice blocks in the sump to cool it off a bit and turned on the AC. this morning it came down to 82 degrees.

And I only have my MH on for 6 hours a day already. The FOWLR has no lights, and still was 90 degrees. I have on all my fans in the apartment today, so hopefully i don't come back to the tank at 90 again tonight.


Experienced Reefer
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My tank went hot yesterday so I just ran my Azoo fans all the time as opposed to only when my MHs are on. That brought the temp down to 75' or so. This morning when I got up I opened all my windows and aired out the apartment and the tank dropped to 74'. I was hoping my heater ( set to 77' ) would prevent that. So now I just have the Azoo's set to turn on with the MH lights.

This is on a 34 gal. Solana. I'm a noobie and still getting the feel of things.


westbury ny
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I keep a desk fa blowing on my sump 24/7 all summer, and DT when halides are on. I go through alot of top off water. But the tank stays between 78-83 all summer. Same result with a 6 gal nano in my office at work.
Don't underestimate the benefit of evaporation


Used as bait
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ugh my biocube started upwards of the 83.5 degree area :(... opened up the lids, etc and have to figure out how to get a fan effectively near this. I hate having to deal with heat! This may be a dumb question, but does everyone leave their heaters on? Mine has been on because I ASSUMED that if it is set at 79 that it wont turn on with the temperatures eclipsing that.

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