thank you guys!! i had a blast there!!! . I talked so much that i was so thirsty that night. LOL. Frag Express , too bad i did not get to talk to you. Hopefully next time we have time to talk!! I always remember you saying hi to me at R2R!
thank you so much Stan !!
i will pm you this weekend and talk to you about the frags you would like.
i am trying to get everything settled and one here. LOL.
talk to you later!!
Wish I had the pleasure to see the beautiful animals everyone is raving about! By the time I was able to make it over to your table, you had been wiped out clean!LOL So happy you enjoyed yourself at our swap meet, cause that means you will be back. Which means you will more then likely be with us again, and that time I will make it my business to visit your table first before all the hungry reefers get to you.
Thanks for making so many of my reefin buddies happy......
I just want to take oppt to thank you every one at Manhattan reefers !! you guys Rocks!.
Josh, Randy ,James, Stan and everyone there who purchased from us and helped me out.
Thank you & Thank you!!