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Just ordered this fish online, and realized he might not be 100% with the fire shrimp i just got/cleaner shrimp i ordered. Does anyone have any experience with coral beautys and shrimp? thank you in advance.


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dwarf angels have no problems with cleaner shrimp, thats y i asked...wrasses do..they do however have a tendency to nip at corals, its a hit or miss tho. i have two and no problems.....er at least not yet. if ur going to add a flame angel after the coral beauty then it has to either, go in at the same time as the coral beauty, or when added later it must be larger to lessen the aggression from the coral beauty.

Chris Jury

Experienced Reefer
Kaneohe, HI
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Agreed, I'd be exceedingly surprised if any dwarf angel bothered a shrimp. I mean, these guys eat algae, detitus, encrusting inverts and other sorts of mulm in nature, not shrimp ;)


Barnum Island
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dwarf angels have no problems with cleaner shrimp, thats y i asked...wrasses do..they do however have a tendency to nip at corals, its a hit or miss tho. i have two and no problems.....er at least not yet. if ur going to add a flame angel after the coral beauty then it has to either, go in at the same time as the coral beauty, or when added later it must be larger to lessen the aggression from the coral beauty.

That's news to me..I have a number of wrasses, never had any issues with them bothering my shrimp..cleaner, blood or Harleys.

No issues with the pygmy angels and shrimp either.


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That's news to me..I have a number of wrasses, never had any issues with them bothering my shrimp..cleaner, blood or Harleys.

No issues with the pygmy angels and shrimp either.

what jaa said, an uncle of mine (i used to watch his tank thats what got me into the whole reef hobby) has a Six line, and its killed quite a few of his shrimps, never skunks tho, just peppermints, and fire shrimp (Ive witness it chase and attack them). oddly enough the 6 line jumped into one of the tank over flows, my uncle didn't know, thought he was dead, and took the opportunity to add the shrimps i.e. the fire and peppermint. 2 weeks later he finds the wrasse, puts it back in the tank and now they are all cool lol.

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