I ask 2 simple questions and you reply with "Why all the hate" ? I see no hate in my post. The comment at the bottom was in response to my saying I wan't going to post anymore Lol.
You posted pretty decent pictures in your very first thread but now you say the camera doesn't do it justice so your not going to post any? It didn't make any sense and I questioned it. Sorry :sigh:
I also asked if that was what was currently in the tank simply because that amount of Bio-Load in LESS than 4 weeks is quite honestly either unbelievable or just downright asking for a crash. I don't know HOW much more simple it could be put. :scratch:
You stated in your last post to me
"I've been doing this for years and know what I'm doing.". Yet a few posts back you make the statement
"OH, and I think you guys were right in that you need very high water quality especially in such a closed/small system. This isn't the ocean, after all." I would think that someone who has been doing this as long as you say you have would have already known that. Quite honestly it's one of the first things that is learned. Kinda like the ABC's/123's of fishkeeping.
As far as my tank goes I answered that in the PM to you a day or 2 ago. My camera also takes crappy pictures but here it is filling.
Here is the sump I run...
And here it is last night filled up and running.
I know it's empty but I don't like experimenting so I am taking my time, doing the cycle the "Old Fashioned" way. Maybe in 3-4 weeks I will have my first coral and/or fish in it.
Beerfish makes a GREAT point.
"No one is mad at your questions. It's your resistance to listen to the answers that people have given you that's pissing people off". That really about sums it up.
I've only been a member a short time but I have learned quite a few things. One of the most important is just to be straight up. If you ask for advice you don't have to take it but don't argue it. Your free to do what you want but with the vast knowledge of the members here it really is DUMB not to take some of the advice to heart.
I'm done. I will watch but doubt I will post anymore. Take care