The substrate is about 1.5-2" of Caribsea Aragalive. Its the fine sand. On top of it I added the media I use in the calcium reactor. I did this since the fine sand is too small to allow jawfish and shrimp gobies to build their burrows. It collapses on them. I have not yet got a shrimp goby pair going in there, but that is the plan. The carmabi ate the candy pistol shrimp when I added it in, and the yasha goby jumped out through a small opening. ! The opening has now been sealed and I will try again.
Also, having the larger Ca reactor media on the sand allows me to put corals on the sand bed without worrying about them getting covered in sand.
Very nice tank, congrats!
Not only I do like small reef tanks but over the years I have really become tired of sps tanks. Lps and soft coral are so much more full of life, enjoyable to watch.
Your technical set up is really close to my reefkeeping philosophy, "keep it as simple as possible, no need for tons of equipment and useless gadgets".
Maintenance at its minimum, no annoying protocals to watch after, maximum time for contemplation and enjoyment.