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Mt Sinai, NY
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Yes I have been through it all with lipa. We have central air (not on yet) oil heat, the house is 2400 square feet with 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms and a two bedroom apartment. A total of 4 people living in the house. We never leave lights on the tenants leave there lights on a lot. But still not enough to make our bills so high.

Is hot water off the heating system?? Or electric hot water heater? Electric dryer?

2400sq ft, I could see 300-400 during the summer, but not when a/c is off.


y is it floating?
long island
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Lipa isn't that much. To be paying $900 is quitely a lot, you should check what your tenants are using. For us it is roughly $150 winter $230 summer. no central ac, only window units. tv's that's on like 10 hrs a day. 2-4 computers running 16-24hrs a day, reg house appliances. 4 bedroom house. plus my 72 tank, which added $25 a month to the bill.


"Drugs are bad...mmmkay!"
Old Bethpage
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People, no joke. LIPA is the devil. Long Islanders pay $$$ for power out here. Last year April, I had a 48" 520w MH fixture on 72 gal bow front. Bill came in at $498. 1075 sq ft house, not much running. Switched to LED's and replaced bulbs with CFL's and upgraded tank to 90 gal. This past April, bill was $220. Just got another bill yesterday and its $235. LED's and CFL's saved me $$$.


Experienced Reefer
Yorktown, NY
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Pay anywhere from $225 to as high as $490 one month last summer when it was super hot and had to run ac 24/7 not only for the tank but for our other pets as well. I live in a 2 bedroom condo thats like 1100 square feet and we have had our meter checked 2-3 times by con edison and every time they say there's nothing wrong with it at all. I still feel like that's extremely high though and when i tell people what we pay there jaws drop.


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Not trying to single you out, and I know temp. is a 'personal' choice/preference...but IMO, 73* is too low. 76*-78* is very comfortable for 'air conditioned' air, and will save a LOT compared to 73*.
As a former business owner with over 60 employees, I have to admit to wanting to 'shoot' the people that constantly had to readjust the thermostats! Dropping it down to 60* does not make the air coming out of the unit any cooler, and the room will never reach 60*. More amazing, I realized that the people that wanted it to be 60* in the summer were the same people that wanted it to be 90* in the winter...76* is 76*... in fact, 76* in the winter is 'technically' warmer, because most people are wearing more/heavier/warmer clothing in winter.
I think that if you raised your thermostat a few degrees, you will barely notice the difference when you enter the apartment! However, you will definitely notice a difference on your electric bill.


I can relate Alfie. Guys there are way to many variables out there to compare bills. What are you paying a kilowatt, SIze of house/appartment, energy efficeincy on equipment, the list goes on and on. I can say that I live in Naussau and my bill is REDICULOUS. I would rather not say how high but lets just say my whole house is as efficient as it can be. What I will say is that when I switched my tank and house over to LED that my LIPA bill went down $230 in change a month. I was happy to see that but still pay quite a bit.


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I wish my neighbors where growing kush or sour ;) then I could understand why the bill is so high. I'm not running a hot tub or a pool. Just a couple of fish tanks with all compacts soon to be led lights. We never leave the lights on and the tenants are on my meter. We would love to do solar heat but it is way to expensive. Our hot water is ran through oil.


Ellenville NY
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And your okay with that :eek:
I'm all electric up here too but avg $500 a month. You must run a lot of things like hot tubs etc :)

No hot tubs. Just heat, cooking, hot water, 24g, 65g. And hell no I'm not ok with it. But what I'm i going to do. Basically we are hostages. You pay or get turned off. And by the way I've done all the things like changing the light builbs to energy saving bulbs, keeping the heat down etc... etc... Nothing seems to help.
I am moving into a new house which is propane heat so I'll see if things change.


Look at my bare bottom!
Staten Island
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My bill is $260 a mounth . Please guy dont say ow i only pay $120 a mounth and you only have a small tank....

Not exactly a small tank a 90 and a 120 has almost the same footprint. I also have a 40g breeder frag tank and a 29 quarantine, 3 computers a washer/dryer 2 flat screens and regular light use just like everyone else.


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North Jersey
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Use an energy calculator website and figure out how much it costs to run your tank.

At least you'll get an idea how much of the bill is from your tank.

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