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suffolk county
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If ur going to remove the sand my advice is have TON of fresh salt water ready for a big wc if need be,also amquil or prime ect.id go through it with a gravelvac before removing the sand just incase there are nasties, it will hopefully suck them out and help not felease them into your system.

frank arriaga

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chester N.Y
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Matt I went BB about 3 month ago I was always against it but the tank look great I removed the sand very time I did a water change it took about 3 month,water change very two weeks but the tank is 265 gal.I took my time.Also went with zeovit


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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You can do it like tirgger man says but there is a down side to that . Your sand bed has beneficial bacteria if you dont have enough live rock in you system you will start the nitrogen cycle again . Now if you remove it a little at a time you are building back up your beneficial bacteria with out casing problem.
There is not that much in the sandbed I think it does more bad than good because it holds so much phosphate.

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