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Nano Reefer
Rating - 86.7%
13   2   0
Location: Westchester County, NY

I am selling nice sized frags of Red Sea Pulsing Xenia. This Xenia is sometimes called "Pearl White Xenia" and is in my opinion the most beautiful of all Xenias.

Frags will have 1-2 stalks and will be growing on small pieces of live rock rubble. Price: $10 for one, $15 for two.

Looking for local buyers only - no shipping as of now. I am not looking to travel into the city for sales.

This picture is from the mother colony:


Please contact me via PM if interested. Thanks.


Nano Reefer
Rating - 86.7%
13   2   0


Nano Reefer
Rating - 86.7%
13   2   0
Hey Mitch,

thanks for the xenias. They attached themselves to the rock and opened and started pulsating, and they're looking sexy. How big are the ones in your tank?

When are you gonna post up some new pics?

Sorry I didn't reply sooner... I was in the Bahamas. You can view my tank journal here.

I have plenty of frags available for you guys, send me a PM! $10 mounted, $5 unmounted.

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