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Sucka Free Reefin' !!!
Westwood, NJ
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I got this frag last wed and I noticed after lights out that one of my peppermints was going nuts on it, I would scare it away and it would be right back (damn he has some good taste, lol). I figured there was something on the frag or a head was not doing good and the pepp was taking advantage of the fact. I left it over night to see what would happen and the next day there was of course one head in really bad shape. I had to do something to give the frag a chance to rest and heal, as I know for a fact the pepps have never bothered anything healthy in my tank (ie the other acan frags right next to this one at the time).
So necessity being the mother of invention I came up with this ghetto coral cage. I put it on during lights out and take it off in the morning. After 3 nights of this the peppermint no longer goes near it and the frag is healthy as can be.


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No more big tanks
New York
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hey dude, have ever tried using a betta holding container? I have used 1 for several purposes. And whats great about is that the light enters the container.


Official Lurker
New York
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That's right it cost nothing!! I'm laughing right now cause I made something out of that plastic bottle as well.DIY projects with stuff around the house are the best.My half a plastic bottle is used to feed corals on my sand bed. I drilled a hole in the cap siliconed a piece of tubing to it,attached a plastic curtain rod to with tie wraps and placed a syringe at the top.When I want to feed, I put mysis in the syringe,squirt it down the tube and watch the mysis fall over the coral.I'll take pic when I get a chance.
I'm sure we have all created some sort of gadget at one time or another. Sounds like a good thread starter,Right??

I have never had this problem before and I was going to get something for future issues, but hey this worked great and cost me nothing.

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