let me know when ur ready to sell two koralias 4.
ill take the manderin and the watchman
PM sent interested on Kenya Tree.
interested in mag 7 and ato
it can wait.pend it to me
how big is the regal ange and do they nip at clams or zoas?
If its still available, I'll take: Kenya Tree
please let me know if i can pickup today?
would the buyer of the live rock get to choose the pieces?
yes or no/ either way, i am very intrested in about 40lbs of Liverock..
( let me know when is a good time for you, and i can come pick up as soon as i can get transport and time off work).. Maybe Sat or Sunday.
also is the rock cured?.. and can u post a few pix of it?
Of course you'll get to choose which rocks you want, some of them might have attached corals so the price will vary. The weekend is good except of Sunday night.
well that seems reasoable.. please PM me a # where i can reach you. And i'lll aim for Saturday. But Sunday between 11am and 7pm seems more likely.
and i'll bring a few extra bucks for the hitchhikers