Thanks for the warm welcome!!!!!!!!!!! I'd like a tour guide. lol.... I've been just clicking my way around to know whats what.Welcome to MR. Photobucket is the easiest way to go for uploading pics to the site.
What else do you need help with on the site?You'll find most peeps here are friendly, and willing to help.....
Thanks YANKEESSSSSSSSSSS all the way!Welcome to MR
Nice wow I feel the love here on this site its terrrrrific..........hello hello hello and welcome to the greatest forum on earth!! MR!!
Thanks for the info Remember I will be makeing a good few mistakes at first SORRY also how can i post a pic under my screen name here?Welcome to MR.
Uploading to photobucket is your best bet, very easy, then click on the insert picture button atop the reply or quick reply box.
Also please make sure you click on the right forum to start a thread in. The forums selection can be found in the forums button in the toolbar above.
"clicking my way around to know whats what"Thanks for the warm welcome!!!!!!!!!!! I'd like a tour guide. lol.... I've been just clicking my way around to know whats what.