Michael (Marrone)
Steven (Heuerfan)
Chee (???)
Gang (zhangg3)
ccny, naclh20, lazy reefer you said you waned to come but i havent gotten an email form you.
Just to let everyone know, please be on time or close to on time, the guy has other plans that day so if you show up an hour or 2 late no one will be there.
he has alot of stuff, not many frags, most are small - medium colonies. he has 6 - 7 75 gallon tanks full of stuff. and a 180 gallon fuge with a whole bunch of differnt macros you ccan buy if you need.
sorry i couldn't stay long but thanks Danny for setting everything up. very cool to meet some of the guys on the forum. such a cool setup down there but now my wife is all upset thinking i'm going to do something like that at our home!!
Im glad everyone had a good time and liked the place. Gang im going back today to pick up the other one of thoe monti plates, they are sweeet.
Hopefully he'll be getting in some lps soon. If anyone wants to go again let me know. Ill set it up again. Hopefully you guys got his card oo so you can go back on your own in case we cant get another group together again.
bless his wife for letting him do that. if i started something like that, i'm sure i'd be talking to the lawyer more than my wife. i should have asked Josh if he had an account with the local florist.
NYC OZ. possibly, someone else also couldnt make it and wants to go. Im going to talk to the guy either tomorrow or tuesday and see what he wants to do
Was nice meeting you too Pierce, I wouldnt mind setting up another visit to Josh's. I ll have to giv him a call and find out when is good for him but i have absolutly no time this week. And he doesnt like me just sending poepel over so it will have to be next week.
If anyone else wants to go let me know. But i think ill keep it to 3 or 4 people per trip since it got really crowded last time.