Sorry I couldn't get a picture with my cheap camera, but the mass of eggs is a clear gelatenous mass about 1.5 inches by 1.5 inches and they wave in the current. Inside the clear mass are little white dots.
The contents of my tank are about 60lbs of live rock, Flame Scallop, Peppermint Shrimp,Orange Linckia Starfish,Nassarius Snail, Blue Hermits,Mexican Turbo Snails, a new flame hwak and new blue hippo tang.
Any idea? I appreciate your help. There are actually two spots with these eggs. Any ideas on how to care for them?
The contents of my tank are about 60lbs of live rock, Flame Scallop, Peppermint Shrimp,Orange Linckia Starfish,Nassarius Snail, Blue Hermits,Mexican Turbo Snails, a new flame hwak and new blue hippo tang.
Any idea? I appreciate your help. There are actually two spots with these eggs. Any ideas on how to care for them?