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The following are letters from the World Wildlife Fund that were sent to MAC for distribution:

Explanation of letters from MAC The President of World Wildlife Fund US, Kathryn Fuller, has written an
open letter to the marine aquarium industry (attached) indicating WWF's
continued support for industry efforts to achieve a sustainable future for
reefs and the businesses they support.

WWF has requested MAC to assist in ensuring that these documents are well
distributed among the marine aquarium industry around the world. Please
feel free to distribute them to your colleagues in the industry.

The letter of March 1st, 2002 refers to the speech by WWF Vice President
Bruce Bunting at Marine Ornamentals 2001 and a 1999 letter from WWF to the
US Coral Reef Task Force. These documents are also attached.

Thank you,

Paul Holthus

Paul Holthus
Executive Director, Marine Aquarium Council
923 Nu'uanu Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii USA 96817
Phone: (+1 808) 550-8217 Fax: (+1 808) 550-8317
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.aquariumcouncil.org

Letter from WWF President
March 2, 2002


TO: Marine Aquarium Industry Leaders

FROM: Kathryn S. Fuller

SUBJECT: Marine Aquarium Council

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate those of you who have
been working closely with the Marine Aquarium Council (MAC) over the past
few years to develop standards and certification for quality and
sustainability in the marine ornamentals trade. We especially applaud those
companies that have signed the MAC Statement of Commitment, signaling your
intent to certify your operations as environmentally sound and responsible
as soon as possible. We understand that the American Marinelife Dealers
Association and other trade groups around the world have also indicated
their support for MAC certification in writing.

As many of you know, WWF, industry representatives, public aquariums,
hobbyist groups, and others came together to form MAC several years ago with
the intent of securing a healthy future for marine ornamental fish and
corals. This market mechanism holds real promise environmentally and
economically, we believe, creating incentives for coral reef conservation
and management, ensuring trade supply, and supporting local economies. In
the Philippines alone, for example, there are an estimated 7,000 collectors
benefiting from this high value trade in which aquarium fish sell for almost
$250 per pound compared to food fish at $3 per pound, and live coral for
$3.50 per pound compared to crushed coral at 3 cents per pound.

The keynote speech at the International Marine Ornamentals Conference this
past November by WWF Vice President Dr. Bruce Bunting outlined our concerns
and hopes for conserving coral reefs by supporting an environmentally sound
marine aquarium industry -- and there is substance behind these words.
Through the Marine Aquarium Council, WWF and the Pet Industry Joint Advisory
Council (PIJAC) have supported the case for sustainable industry in the face
of government calls for a trade ban and sought to address criticisms of the
marine aquarium trade by the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force. As a member of the
MAC board from its inception, we also know that the development of industry
requires discussion, compromise, and ongoing review and refinement.

We encourage the marine aquarium industry to continue its work with MAC to
develop and implement standards and certification that achieve our shared
goal of a sustainable future for reefs and the businesses they support.

Letter from Bruce Bunting, VP of WWF, to Don Barry of the Department of the Interior

June 10, 1999

Mr. Don Barry
Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks
U.S. Department of Interior
Main Interior Building
18th and C Streets, NW
Mail Stop 3156
Washington, DC 20240

Dear Don,

WWF is pleased to learn that your office is expanding its coral reef
conservation and sustainable use efforts, particularly through its
participation in the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force (US CRTF). We applaud the
increased U.S. Government attention to coral reefs and would like to
reiterate WWF's interest in working with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
and the US CRTF to conserve these important ecosystems.

In particular, we understand that the US CRTF is considering a range of
options to address the harvest and trade in reef resources. We share your
concerns about the need to conserve coral reef species and ensure that their
harvest and trade do not threaten the long-term sustainability of the
world¹s reef systems. We would like to take this opportunity to provide some
insights on effective approaches to this trade based on the extensive marine
conservation work we have, and continue to undertake in coral reef

Coral reefs support critically important biodiversity and resources that
provide a wide range of direct and indirect benefits to the developing
country coastal and island areas where most reefs are located. These areas
have limited resources and economic options and the future of reef
resources, as with so many other living natural resources, largely rests in
the stewardship provided by the communities most dependent on them. We have
found that by working with these communities to develop and implement
conservation and management linked to ecologically sound use, it is possible
to create viable economic opportunities that do not compromise the health of
the ecosystems.

As a consequence, WWF is working with communities, industry and a range of
other constituents to ensure that existing consumer demand supports the
conservation and sustainable use of species, resources and habitat. We are
proving that this is possible through participation in the multi-stakeholder
processes to establish certification via the Forest Stewardship Council, the
Marine Stewardship Council and now the Marine Aquarium Council.

WWF believes that these mechanisms provide the means to work with a range of
stakeholders to achieve a "win-win" balance between biodiversity
conservation, ecosystem health, economic opportunity, and community
benefits. We feel that this approach is well suited to the commerce in coral
reef species and that strict controls such as trade bans may encourage
illegal, and often more damaging, harvest and trade. Ensuring effective
implementation of CITES with regard to coral reef species, such as the
recently issued Notification of the Parties No. 1999/41 regarding trade in
stony corals, seems to be a logical first step before stricter measures are
pursued. Further, approaches that remove the sustainable income-generating
activity of a responsible coral trade may quite possibly contribute to the
poverty-driven use of destructive fishing practices for food and
out-migration from rural areas.

As you and the US CRTF continue to develop your plans to address coral reef
species conservation and use, we would like to offer our expertise in this
area. We suggest that a group of conservation and industry representatives
be convened to discuss these issues with the government agencies involved
and identify ways to ensure long-term sustainable use of the world¹s coral
reef species. We would be happy to discuss this issue further at a time
that is convenient to you.


Bruce W. Bunting


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Thanks for the post Mary, its great to know that these organizations are trying to make a difference.



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Steve I do not think congratulations are in order yet.
Although every baby step towards realizing the problems hobbiests and industry face is welcomed, my first impression was that the letters represented no more than two bureaucrats stroking each other.
Three years has gone by since the first piece of correspondance and I see no evidence of industry recognizing that there is a problem.

This forum was set up as a result of concerns often raised in the main forum about keeping impossible to keep species.
It has been some time now since the impossible to keep list was presented and debated. This take many hours of preparation, study etc.
Nothing has been done about the adoption of the list in total, nor any effort made to take it to the next step that I am aware of.
Since this forum was started all I hear about are efforts by others (in Hawaii, Fiji and other places) to shut the collection of ALL coral and fish in their regions.
We are running out of time and must act now!


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It gets worse

Mary what were you thinking???????

I see that the Vice President of the WWF and the Vice President of MAC are one and the same person.

I guess I wasn't far off when I though they were bureaucrats stroking eachother.

It turns our we are the ones that are getting stroked


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Since when did big steroidal wrestlers care about fish? Heh.

Naesco.. dude, you need some vallium and time off or something. You are going to give yourself an anurism.. yeah, things need to change but yelling we need to change now without even knowing what all is going on where isn't going to help any. Case in point worrying that hawaii is going to ban coral collection..


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<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr> This forum was set up as a result of concerns often raised in the main forum about keeping impossible to keep species.

I don't think that was the case.

<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr> In
the Philippines alone, for example, there are an estimated 7,000 collectors
benefiting from this high value trade in which aquarium fish sell for almost
$250 per pound compared to food fish at $3 per pound, and live coral for
$3.50 per pound compared to crushed coral at 3 cents per pound.

This is probably the most important sentence in the letter.


Not trying to be derogatory but you do seem to be wound a little tight.


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First of all, I'm not endorsing or nay-saying about this letters...just reporting the news. So naesco, when you say "Mary, What were you thinking?" the answer to that is that I was thinking that all of you might be interested in reading the information.

To answer more of your questions naesco...

MAC is made up of conservation, industry, and hobby organizations. These groups have members on the board of directors of MAC, and the representatives are usually board members of their respective organizations. Therefore it's no big deal that the VP of WWF is also on the board of MAC.

To answer your question about what hobbyist groups are part of MAC, that's an easy one- the only hobby group is on the MAC board of directors, the Marine Aquarium Societies of North America.

This forum was NOT set up to address issues of unsuitable species. That is just one of the topics that this forum addresses. As far as completing the list, we are far from being finished. Right now is the "busy season" and I have not had the time to sit down and lead heavy discussions about each set of animals. When things slow down in a couple of months we'll get back to the list. A list like this deserves my full attention and I don't have the time to devote to it right now.


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Well I have a couple of questions.

What has been done for the past 3 years, June 99?
Please list the hobbyist groups that are part of MAC?

Whatever happened to the finalization of the impossible to keep list? I think we should forward the list in total to MAC for immediate implementation?

Thank you


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SPC I am not taking away anything from either organization. That was not the point.
Like I said on first reading I thought the letter was a bit overstated. Upon further examination I found the connexion between the two organizations.
Notwithstanding Mary's protestations to the contrary, the letter was presented to us as the Wildlife people endorsing the efforts of MAC.
Why else would the thread be started? That is my objection.

Further where is hobbyist representation on MAC?
Mary says MACNA is the hobbyist repesentation but are not most of the directors industry people.
Is the President of MACNA connected with Fritz?

I regret to say that it is no wonder nothing appears to be happening when every one operates on a first cousin basis.


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Posted by naesco:
Notwithstanding Mary's protestations to the contrary, the letter was presented to us as the Wildlife people endorsing the efforts of MAC.
Why else would the thread be started? That is my objection.

-The wildlife people are endorsing the efforts of MAC. Please explain, I am a bit confused as to your point.

Further where is hobbyist representation on MAC?
Mary says MACNA is the hobbyist repesentation but are not most of the directors industry people.

-I don't know if they are mostly industry people but I do know there is a representative from the WWF which I find very comforting. If the WWF is in bed with the industry for some reason then you need to show me where this is taking place. IMO he is there to give a voice for the protection of the reefs, how can this be bad?


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I do agree with Naesco on one point. WTF is MASNA doing advertising for Fritz Pet Products on their website???? They have a "help wanted" ad for Fritz up there as we speak.

Secondly, if MASNA is bankrupt and "outta the picture" then who is going to be the hobbyist representative on MAC? Reefs.org perhaps?



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Only because I have not mastered the 'insert function', please read the first paragraph of Mary's post for the answer to your 'confusion'.

I reiterate. It is not appropriate to post a self-serving post without qualifying same. ie Mr. Bunting who is a VP of the World Wildlife Federation and a VP of MAC says... Otherwise it is misleading.

Steve we REEFERS need representation if our concerns are to be heard. If most of the directors of MASDA are industry people than we has hobbyists have no representation on MAC.

Reefs.org would be any excellent organization to speak for the hobbyist on both MAC and the WWF.

I understood that the concerns raised in this forum would make their way to MAC who like the WWF appears to want to make some changes. Looks like that will not happen. Its too bad because the ultimate losers will be the hobbyists.


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Posted by James:
I do agree with Naesco on one point. WTF is MASNA doing advertising for Fritz Pet Products on their website???? They have a "help wanted" ad for Fritz up there as we speak.

James I just looked at the World Wildlife Fund site but could not locate the add you are speaking of, do you have a link? Are you saying that MASNA is advertising on there and through them they have the ad by Fritz?


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Posted by naesco:
Steve we REEFERS need representation if our concerns are to be heard. If most of the directors of MASDA are industry people than we has hobbyists have no representation on MAC.

Wayne, now I'm really confused. MASDA is a thing of the past, they have gone belly up. But even if they were still around, do you think they played much of a part in reef conservation?


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I attended three MACNA conferences. I loved every minute of it and am truly sorry to see them go.
I do not know if they played any part in reef conservation.
IMO it is vital to government, industry and the hobby that we reefers get involved in whatever organization we can to preserve our hobby. I see no evidence that industry cares.
If MAC is looking for a true hobbyist voice to replace MACNA than maybe they should consider reeforg and I happen to know the guy who could do the best job for the hobbiest, industry and conservation.


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This thread is precisely why this forum is beginning to tire my soul and why we're never going to be able to move forward in a constructive manner. Everything has to have some "hidden agenda" <sigh>

Posted by naesco:
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Notwithstanding Mary's protestations to the contrary, the letter was presented to us as the Wildlife people endorsing the efforts of MAC.
Why else would the thread be started? That is my objection. <hr></blockquote>

Naesco, did you even read the original post?? I clearly stated that the letters were sent to MAC for distribution. MAC sent them to me and I distributed them. End of story. It has already been established earlier in this forum that WWF supports MAC and that they endorse what MAC is doing. (I posted a link to Bruce Bunting's speech that he gave at Marine Ornamentals '01 somewhere- Buy a Coral, Save a Reef- and we discussed it there) To specifically answer your question, the thread was started to allow the hobbyists the chance to see letters that are currently being circulated to industry professionals . If every informational post I put here is subjected to this ridiculous "Mary's alternative motive" garbage, I'll simply stop posting the information and all of you can sit happily in the dark concerning these issues. It was strictly a public service announcement. Nothing more.

Concerning the board of MASNA: I realize that educating one's self about issues prior to jumping on the conspiracy bandwagon is not common practice around here, so I'll educate you all. I am the only industry professional on the board of MASNA- everyone else is a hobbyist.

Posted by James:
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote
WTF is MASNA doing advertising for Fritz Pet Products on their website???? They have a "help wanted" ad for Fritz up there as we speak.

I looked at the MASNA site and didn't see any advertising for Fritz Products. I did see a job announcement and I think this is perfectly fine for MASNA to do. I also think it's perfectly fine if Fritz does want to advertise their products on the MASNA website for a fee. Everyone wants hobbyist representation as long as someone else pays for it and does all the work for them. Truly an aggravating attitude. I think that a job with a company like Fritz would be an excellent way for a hobbyist to get involved in the industry, and as a hobbyist organization I see absolutely no conflict of interest for MASNA to advertise opportunities.

Posted by naesco:
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr> I understood that the concerns raised in this forum would make their way to MAC who like the WWF appears to want to make some changes. Looks like that will not happen. Its too bad because the ultimate losers will be the hobbyists.

What makes you think that concerns from this forum aren't going to MAC?? MAC has been invited to this list, as have members of the USCRTF. Both tend to be more of lurkers than posters. I will be attending a meeting with MAC this coming Friday, and if these issues come up I will address them.

Everyone needs to step back and dig a little deeper into things before they start spouting off. I can not spell out the precise details concerning everything prior to posting it. I would expect everyone here to use a little elbow grease and common sense before jumping to false conclusions.

End of rant.


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Rant if it makes you feel better.

It is not a conspiracy issue it is a legitimate concern that the interests of hobbyist be presented.
If you are presenting matters to MAC relative to issues raised on this board that is great. I would appreciate your letting us know because as is obvious, I too am frustrated, and want to move forward in a constructive manner.


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Posted by naesco:
I too am frustrated, and want to move forward in a constructive manner.

Wayne, what exactly do you want to see happen my friend? Now everyone take a deep breath please.



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Have you actually started to follow the recomendations of other associations you belong to? Or is this just going to be more feel good letters and recomendations that you ignore?

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