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BINGO Chris!
Home run first time up!
Elections, Democracy?
Pegging advancement to performance? Result oriented management?
Security based on achievement?
Where did you come from?
These are alien notions to MAC and unless you want to get a troublemaker tag you better cool it....or...
welcome to the patriots forum where we believe in trying to make the trade clean and sustainable and not bow to a funder created outside group sent to organize us to step to the er....same drummer.
This industry needs to change...but doing it... by definition brings our efforts into the field, a place where the office corps of MAC style NGOs fear to tread. So...to avoid making the training of fisherman the centerpeice of the effort, the corporate style of market inducement thru un-attractive incentives was concocted.
The MAC was put together kinda like the New Kids on the Block...thru interviews and maintained year after year based on their own assessment of their own performances.
They have needless to say...not caught on and the greater familiarity with them has caused futher credibility decay. That is why they do not show up in a forum full of knowledgeable people who cannot be patronized like beginners.
Its 2004, reefs continue to decline and in this case...thru our very own subsidy and promotion. MAC was supposed to change the industry but ended up getting changed by it instead. They have morphed into a front group for the major players and the status quo. Something that genuine environmentalists amongst us find unacceptable.
The effect has been a covering for the cyanide industry while pandering to offbeat and inadequate notions of how to do this thing. The past few years has been hallmarked by a tragic waste of time. We played the flute while it burns...we need to stop following this piper...and reject their proprietary and covetous handling of reform issues.

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ChrisPrusha":3exf3ia3 said:
I am new to this forum...does MAC have a website so I can read up on their organization? It appears to me from what I have read in this thread (and I understand that this is a very little part of the whole picture), that the only way to change their philosophy is to remove people from their organization, via elections and such. Is this possible, or is this a private company?

I know I am very naive atm, but you gotta start somewhere.


Yes indeed Chris; try http://www.aquariumcouncil.org as the frontdoor to their website. And as you go try to also pay particular attention to dates. It really helps when information is posted or read to see a date.

Often the "dateless" info is along the lines of PR, and one has to wonder, given the general state of up-to-date-ness, what the [actual] status is.
This is a problem with much web-based information. For many are the websites that still post information about organisations, publications, or events which are no longer active or planned.

Is the MAC still active??? Well I may repeat that question elsewhere on a more MAC-focussed thread.
WHO KNOWS some day we may even hear from a MAC spokesperson again on this list. 8O :eek: 8O

Btw. Do try to contact the MAC via e-mail with any questions you may have.
:idea: :idea: :idea: Then share with us your experience. :D :) :D
More than one person on this list will be interested to hear all about it!


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dizzy":3tu8rbjc said:
naesco":3tu8rbjc said:
Yes, a progress report on the implementation of MAC's cyanide testing programme is overdue.

And while we're waiting for MAC to respond, perhaps Wayne can give us an update on the progress of Reeform.

And while we wait for those updates maybe AMDA and CORL can give a report on how much they have accomplished since the kick off of their "save the whales", er, "save the reefs program"? Maybe an update about Imperial to? How about an update about Ferd Cruz, the 'Johny Appleseed' of the one true perfect netting material?

Just a guy with a fish bowl,


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naesco":371vfrz0 said:
Yes, a progress report on the implementation of MAC's cyanide testing programme is overdue.

i can't believe you actually wrote that


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Sardonic Wit":17uvufcl said:
How about an update about Ferd Cruz, the 'Johny Appleseed' of the one true perfect netting material?

Should be coming soon.
EASI is still working through their entire program.
That much I have heard through the grapevine.

Mike Kirda

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This thread was called: Creating True Industry Reform Via MAC- Cyanide Testing. We have an attempted subtitle Re: since this forum is just about spouting off biter rhetoric..

Sardonic Wit":2p4c9a8d said:
And while we wait for those updates maybe AMDA and CORL can give a report on how much they have accomplished since the kick off of their "save the whales", er, "save the reefs program"? Maybe an update about Imperial to? How about an update about Ferd Cruze, the 'Johny Appleseed' of the one true perfect netting material?

-just a guy with a fish bowl,

Why does it seem to be so hard to stick to the topic at hand???

It really does not take a lot of wit, least of all the sardonic type.

:idea: Feel free to start another thread, and help WIT along...
:idea: including the "spouting off{sic} biter{sic} rhetoric". :roll:

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