I posted this in the general forum, but I figured it applies to the industry as well, since this will most likely be affecting lighting manufacturers within a couple years.
Illuminating The Future
Photos by Lumileds
LEDs like the Lumileds Luxeon Star, above, will change the look of lighting fixtures, and save energy.
Hang on to your burned-out light bulbs. Your grandchildren could pay their way through college by selling them as antiques. After more than a century, the light bulb is about to go the way of the whale-oil lamp. The contender is the light-emitting diode (LED), perhaps best known as the little bump on the top of the TV remote control.
Remotes emit light in the infrared range, at frequencies below those we can see. The newest member of the family, white-light LEDs, emit light at frequencies across the entire visible spectrum, which means they can illuminate our surroundings with a clarity that's comparable to nature's original incandescent--the sun.
"Just as vacuum tubes gave way to semiconductors, the revolution in lighting can in some ways be compared to the revolution in electronics that began 50 years ago and is only now reaching maturity," James M. Gee of Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, N.M., told POPULAR MECHANICS during a recent visit. Gee, a senior scientist specializing in renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies, said the switch from light bulbs to LEDs is being driven by more than America's fondness for the latest technology. On the contrary, we simply do not like to be left in the dark. Banishing the dark gobbles up 20 percent of the electricity generated in the United States. Yet, almost all of this electricity creates heat rather than light. Producing the white light needed to show the natural gamut of colors requires heating the filament of a light bulb to metal-melting temperatures. As a result, a typical 100-watt light bulb radiates roughly 95 watts into its surroundings as waste heat. The Sandia team estimates that switching to LEDs could reduce the nation's electrical consumption by 10 percent.
A more significant advantage is convenience. The absence of a filament and its surrounding vacuum-containing bulb makes LEDs extremely durable. They also last a long time. Engineers at Lumileds, the San Jose, Calif., company that makes the world's brightest white-light LED, estimates that their Luxeon Star model, shown above, will shine for 100,000 hours.
Cold Light
There are several approaches to generating light with LEDs. All are based on the same underlying physics--a phenomenon called radiative recombination. When an electric charge is applied to certain semiconductors, the interaction between the electrons and the so-called electron holes releases photons, or packages of light. The nature of the semiconductor material used to make the diode determines the frequency of the photons, hence the color of its light.
Between 1962, when they were first demonstrated by General Electric, and about 1985, LEDs produced too little power to be useful for anything other than tiny red signaling lights on electronics. In 1993, researchers at several universities perfected a high-efficiency blue-light LED. By combining different colors and using colored coatings, LEDs now can produce colors as pleasing as the best incandescent bulbs.
Despite considerable progress in 2002, a serious hurdle remains. LEDs are expensive, and for years to come they will cost more than both incandescent and fluorescent lighting.
For applications like traffic lights, railroad signals and aircraft lighting--places where dealing with a burned-out bulb can pose a serious safety concern--cost is a minor consideration. Spurred on by the federal Next Generation Lighting Initiative, major lighting manufacturers, including General Electric, Philips and Osram, have formed consortia with semiconductor producers to mass-produce LEDs. By some estimates, white-light LEDs could capture a quarter of the existing incandescent and fluorescent lighting markets as early as 2012.
Beyond Lights
The energy savings of LEDs is only the start. In the course of looking into new ways to manufacture better LEDs, researchers at Sandia have stumbled onto a remarkable light-related phenomenon. When Sandia's Shawn Lin and Jim Fleming assembled the tungsten used in bulb filaments into a lattice structure, they found they could essentially transmute wasted heat into light.
What puzzled the researchers was that the structure produced more light than expected. How the tungsten lattice repartitions energy between heat and visible light remains unexplained. "It was not theoretically predicted," Fleming told PM. "Possible explanations may involve variations in the speed of light as it propagates through such a structure."
Just how far the LED revolution will go in transforming the way we illuminate the world is likewise a matter for conjecture. Sandia's Gee offered this prediction: "As in the microelectronics revolution, many of the possible applications for solid-state lighting will occur in ways that have not yet been envisioned."